許良明 博士宋修德 博士宋若光2019-09-042011-7-222019-09-042008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0892700062%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99267本研究在探討汽車修護從業人員就業能力。預期研究成果將對國內汽車行業的教育、訓練以及能力內涵建構等有所貢獻。本研究所得之就業能力模型可做為發展其他行業從業人員就業能力內涵之參考;研究所得之指標架構,可做為汽車修護行業甄選人才、員工訓練及績效考核之標準,亦可提供教學及訓練單位做課程規劃及教材選用之依據。 研究採用文獻探討、專家諮詢,蒐集分析有關汽車修護行業現況、世界各國就業能力內涵等相關資料,再透過專家深度訪談、內容分析、專家會議、模糊德懷術及層級分析等方法,建構完成就業能力模型及汽車修護從業人員就業能力內涵及指標體系。研究所得之具體成果如下: 在就業能力模型方面:模型內涵共有個人特質、能力、主題瞭解及認知反映等4個層面。個人特質包含組織與領導,積極與創新,正向與服從,企業與學習;能力層面包含關鍵能力與專業能力;主題瞭解包含主題與學科,組織與產業;認知反映包含自我認知及行為表現。 在汽車修護從業人員就業能力內涵方面:依據就業能力模型建立的能力內涵有4個層面,10個要項及118項內涵。在10個要項中惟有專業能力內涵又細分成顧客服務、廠區維護、車輛保修、專業成長及專業管理等5個部份。 在汽車修護從業人員就業能力指標體系方面:依據就業能力內涵建立的就業能力指標體系,包含4個一級指標,13個二級指標以及126個指標內涵,以及一、二級指標之權重值。This research studies the employability competence of auto repair sector. The results of this study should contribute to educating, training, and competence building in industry. The employability model can be a reference for developing the compatibility for other industries. The indicators obtained can be used as guides for curriculum development in schools and other training facilities. This study employed literature review, professional consultation, analysis of current auto repair industry and employability competence around the world. Through in-depth interview, analysis of content, and the use of Fuzzy Delphi Method and Analytic Hierarchy Process, models and indicators for employability competence for auto repair industry was made. The results are show below: In the employability model: this model includes personal character, skills, subject understanding and cognition and reflection. Personal character includes organization and leadership, enthusiasm and innovation, optimistic and obedience and the last, enterprise and learning. Skills include key competence, and professional competence. Subject understanding includes subject and course, organization and industry. Cognition and reflection includes self awareness and performance. As for employability competence in the auto repair industry, 4 aspects, 10 key requirements, and 118 competencies are included in the model. Within the 10 key requirements, professional ability is divided into customer service, dealer/factory maintenance, vehicle maintenance and repair, professional growth and specialty management. Finally, the indicators, established on the basis of the competence, include 4 primary indicators, 13 secondary indicators, 126 competency indicators and the weight of primary and secondary indicators.汽車修護從業人員就業能力auto repairemployeeemployability汽車修護從業人員就業能力之研究The Study on Employability for Auto Repair Sector Employee