王金成Jin-Cherng Wang吳世峰Shih-feng Wu2019-09-052003-6-302019-09-052003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2003000170%22.&%22.id.&amp;http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106008本研究以視障學生及正常學生下坡行走時的步態參數相比較,探討適合視障學生下坡行走的坡道坡度為主要研究目的。利用數位攝影機拍攝實驗參與者往下行走於不同坡度步道時之人體側面影像,以APAS動作分析系統,將實驗參與者下坡行走時之步態影像轉換成數位化參數資料,再以SPSS套裝軟體進行統計分析,探討相互間之差異。研究對象分成兩組:一、實驗組:台中啟明盲校視障學生(重度全盲生)16名,平均年齡18.60±1.92歲,平均身高162.25±11.28公分,平均體重67.36±15.59公斤,平均腿長84.50±6.54公分。二、對照組:國立清水高中正常學生16名,平均年齡16.98±0.84歲,平均身高166.75±3.94公分,平均體重56.88±7.25公斤,平均腿長89.19±7.94公分。坡度設計依「建築技術法規」中無障礙設施之坡度設置規定,選擇坡度高長比例1/12、1/10、1/8、1/6、1/5之坡度及平地坡度0等六種坡度,作為本實驗設計坡道坡度。 研究結果發現: 一、視障學生與正常學生在本實驗設計的坡道往下行走時之步態有明 顯差異,其中步態參數差異較大的項目包括跨步步長、步行速 度、及步長與腿長比例三項,而其主要因素又在於視障學生跨步 步長明顯小於正常學生。 二、本實驗設計之坡道坡度,對正常學生下坡行走的步態影響不大, 但對視障學生則有明顯影響,當坡度提昇至高長比例為1/10時, 有多項步態參數達顯著差異(p<.05),且隨坡度的提昇,差異有 更明顯。 因此,在考量學生下坡行走時步態之穩定性及安全性,專門供視障學生使用之坡道,建議其坡度設計應小於1/10為宜。The purpose of this study was to find the suitable slopes for blind students by comparing the gait effects of blind students and normal students walking down the ramps with different slopes. By using the digital camera, the gait motion of the participants walking down the ramps was caught. Computer software of Ariel Performance Analysis System was used to digitize the gait motion and acquire the information of temporal-spatial parameters. The selected variables were analyzed by using the ANOVA program of SPSS to investigate the differences. Subjects were chosen as two groups: 1.Sixteen blind students came from Nation Taichung School for Visually Impaired, mean age 18.60±1.92 yr, mean ht.162.25±11.25 cm, mean wt.67.36±15.19 kg, the mean leg length 84.50±6.54 cm. 2.Sixteen normal students came from Nation Chin-shui Senior High School, mean age 16.98±0.84 yr, mean ht.166.75±3.94 cm, mean wt.56.88±7.25 kg, the mean leg length 89.19±7.94 cm. Different slopes of the ramps ranged(height and length) as 1/12, 1/10, 1/8, 1/6,1/5 and 0 were used in the experiment. The results were listed as follows: 1. The walking gaits of blind students were greatly different from normal students’, especially in stride length, velocity, and the rate of stride length/leg length. The major reason was that the stride length in blind students was significantly shorter. 2. The slopes designed in this experiment had few effects on normal students’ gait walking down the ramps. However they had great effect on blind students’ gait. As the ramps rose upward, especially to 1/10(height/ length), the gait of blind students showed apparent changes. Therefore, for the sake of blind students’ security and stability, the ramp slopes designed, especially for blind students, should be reduced less than 1/10.步態視覺障礙坡道gaitvisually impairedramp視障學生與正常學生下坡行走步態之研究A Study of Gait Effects of Blind Students And Normal Students Walking Down The Ramps