譚鴻仁張書維Chang, Shu-Wei2019-08-292012-8-312019-08-292012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698230126%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94366本文先著手探究新竹縣芎林鄉的稻米商品鏈,並輔以歷史的縱深,梳理稻米商品鏈的轉型過程,並比較其中的異同,從而能理解在經濟轉型中,經濟與社會之間的互動關係。 回顧早期的稻米生產,大家族制以及換工制填補了生產中所需的龐大勞力,意即親屬鄰里間的換工行為,體現了費孝通所指稱的「差序格局」的理念。換言之,在這樣封閉的生產體系中,形成較為隔絕的區域。相形之下,1970年代以來逐漸形成新的稻米商品鏈,在機械化的發展之下,農機具取代了大量勞力的投入,昔日鄉村所依賴的換工制日漸消失。機械化的因素以及低糧食政策的抑制下,多餘的勞力被釋放其他就業部門中,多數農民仍能堅持稻作種植,演變成兼職農民的情況。時至今日,兼業農民的老化與大型機具的盛行,使得稻米的分工外包的情況越來越普遍,商品鏈可切割為育苗、翻土、插秧、割稻等數項,並依照個人需求選擇外包的項目。承接外包的店家(農戶)不一定來自於本地,也有的是從外地而來的,意即,生產關係的靠近致使不相鄰兩地產生互動,使得原先區域的藩籬產生了變化。 另外,土地開發的壓力也逐漸在本地浮現:本研究區鄰近璞玉計畫區,研究區內又有農地自辦重劃區,這些接踵而來的開發案挑戰了農民根深柢固的耕作傳統。從農民買/賣土地的行為中,發現農民可以將祖產與耕作切分開來,也就是說,農民可以耕作賣掉祖產後再向外購買的土地。This article aims to explore the rice commodity chain in Cyonglin. We compare few rice transition processes commodity chain in history to find out the relation between economy and society in a transition society. Recalling the rice production in the early age, large family and the labor exchange system fulfill the shortage of labor. Take a look of 1970s, rice commodity chain, mostly, were built by the farm machinery instead of a great amount of labor input. For this reason, more and more labors were released from the agriculture field to the industrial field. That is why it’s easy to see a lot of people who is a farmer and a worker of factory at the same time in that period of time. Even now, we could still easily find a lot of awful situations in this area which are influenced by this historical matter. Today, the fact of aging population and the using of large agricultural equipments cause a brand-new economic system which is named “sub-contracting system”. Commodity chain can be cut into breeding, tilling the soil, planting, cutting the number of items. According to individual needs, the rice producers have their own choice to outsold parts of produced project so as to reach the largest benefit. Based on this measures, the farmers of the whole project are not necessarily the inhabitant of Cyonglin. Therefore, this new-formed production process build a closer relations between two places which are non-adjacent before and make some differences of boarding lines from the original one.客家商品鏈外包制HakkaCommodity chainsub-contracting system稻作耕作區的變遷:以新竹芎林為例Changes in rice farming area: Hsinchu Cyonglin