黃均人Huang, Chun-zen黃安Huang, An2020-10-192024-12-312020-10-192019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060491007M%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111761「台灣音樂一百年」是目前臺灣唯一一項大型音樂活動,於 1995 年由白鷺鷥文教 基金會所舉辦,整個項目歷經一整年的籌劃與推動,最後經由上百位音樂工作者的共同 努力,使此次音樂活動完善包含音樂會、美術展覽、相關學術研討與文物出版。 筆者以「台灣音樂一百年」活動為主要研究課題,透過文獻史料的蒐集、探究活動 的參與人員,解析臺灣 1895 年到 1995 年文化資產保存活動的形成及發展脈絡,並藉以 瞭解保存過程中民間與學術互動關係以及文化資產調查活動的成果。從活動形成的契機, 經由組織的架構與活動的篩選,最後完成臺灣音樂歷史上第一個最具規模性的「台灣音 樂一百年」。紀錄與保存地位及其具後人學習及展望未來的必要性,筆者希望藉由此篇 論文,找出歷史文獻所富含的重要代表意義,期望對後續推廣以及紀錄臺灣音樂的研究 者,提供參考資料;也為臺灣音樂文化發展,貢獻微薄心力。 本文分為三個部分,第一部分從白鷺鷥文教基金會的組織架構,循序漸進的來探討 「台灣音樂一百年」活動企劃發展與成型;第二部分為「台灣音樂一百年」系列活動之 內容探討,如音樂會、文物展覽、學術性活動等,另外也記錄並分析整理活動流程及詳 細資訊,期望達到保存資料之目的;第三部份則為省思與展望「台灣音樂一百年」系列 活動,所帶來的社會貢獻與歷史定位,提出前瞻性觀點,作為本論文之結尾。“100 years of Taiwan Music’’ is the only one biggest music event in Taiwan, it was organized by Egret Culture and Educational Foundation in Year 1995 and planning by hundreds of music workers, include music concert, art exhibition, academic discussion and culture relics publishing. The author took the “100 years of Taiwan Music” activity as the main research topic, and analyzed the formation and development of cultural asset preservation activities in Taiwan from 1895 to 1995 through the collection and research activities of the literature materials. Learning about the preservation process and academic interaction for the results of cultural asset survey activities. From formation of activities and architecture ,“100 years of Taiwan Music” had finished. It record and preserve is given posterity learning and comprehend significances of it. Recording and preservation is a necessary process for future generations to learn and research. The author wishes to find the importance and representative meaning of the historical documents through this paper, not only hopes to achieve the purpose of preserving data for Taiwan music culture, but also lay a foundation for the follow-up researchers to promote and research of Taiwanese music.臺灣音樂史白鷺鷥文教基金會陳郁秀台灣音樂一百年Taiwan Music HistoryEgret Cultural and Educational FoundationYu-Xiu Chen100 years of Taiwan Music鑑往知來-論白鷺鷥文教基金會「台灣音樂一百年」系列活動的意義與價值On the Significance and Value of the “100 years of Taiwan Music” series of activities of Egret Cultural and Educational Foundation