單文經張錫勳2019-08-282005-7-12019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00T9002020%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89510本研究旨在了解台北縣國民中學九年一貫課程綱要實施現況。為達成研究目的,本研究以自編之「台北縣國民中學九年一貫課程綱要實施現況調查問卷」為調查研究工具,以臺北縣27所抽樣學校正式教師1475人作為正式問卷調查對象,回收927份有效問卷(回收率63.19%)。本研究針對所得的資料,以SPSS8.01 for Windows套裝軟體進行敘述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗(Independent-Samples T-Test)、單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)、薛費(Scheff)事後比較分析等統計分析。此外,本研究另透過訪談方式,蒐集12校,34位教師的意見,了解學校對於九年一貫課程實施遭遇的問題與建議。本研究之結論分為下列二部份: ㄧ、台北縣國民中學課程綱要實施現況自評方面 (一)台北縣國中對於九年一貫課程綱要實施現況之整體自評傾向「部份肯定」態度。 (二)「學校班級數差異」對於教師在課程綱要實施現況之整體自評結果沒有顯著影響。 (三)「學校行政轄區差異」對於教師在課程綱要實施現況之整體自評結果沒有顯著影響。 (四)「教學年資差異」對於教師在課程綱要實施現況之整體自評結果沒有顯著影響。 (五)「性別差異」對於教師在課程綱要實施現況之整體自評結果有顯著影響。調查問卷整體評估方面,男性教師總平均數顯著高於女性教師總平均數;其次在「課程計畫」及「配套措施」層面上,亦以男性教師平均數顯著高於女性平均數。 (六)「最高學歷差異」對於教師在課程綱要實施現況之整體自評結果有顯著影響。調查問卷整體評估方面,最高學歷為「大專」教師總平均數顯著高於「研究所」教師總平均數;其次在「課程計畫」及「課程實施」層面上,亦以最高學歷為「大專」教師平均數顯著高於「研究所」教師平均數。 (七)「擔任課程發展委員會委員差異」對於教師在課程綱要實施現況之整體自評結果有顯著影響。調查問卷整體評估方面,目前擔任課程發展委員會委員職務教師總平均數顯著高於未擔任該職務教師總平均數;其次在「課程計畫」層面上,亦以目前擔任課程發展委員會委員職務教師平均數顯著高於未擔任該職務教師平均數。 (八)「任教領域差異」對於教師在課程綱要實施現況之整體自評結果沒有顯著影響。 二、台北縣國民中學課程綱要實施遭遇的問題與建議方面 (一)學校遭遇的問題: 1.學校行政運作方面:如學校課程自主權限不明確、教師授課節數及配課問題、行政業務負荷加重。 2.課程實施與教學評量方面:如教學型態的調整、一綱多本造成教材銜接問題、配套措施不足問題。 3.教師專業成長方面:如教師專業能力不足、教師參與研習意願偏低、教師工作負荷增加。 (二)學校的建議: 1.政策檢討修正方面:如能力指標過於攏統龐雜,不易解讀轉化的問題、重新檢討領域學習節數與彈性學習節數合理性的問題、恢復統編本教科書編輯、學校本位課程評鑑與教學評鑑落實的問題、基本學力測驗與多元入學方案。 2.健全配套措施方面:如師資培育機構重新檢討課程內容以提昇教師專業能力、提供教師領域專長認證及進修管道、改善教學設備、減授教師授課節數減輕工作負擔、實施階段性學力檢測、加強國中小學教師對話機制、實施教學專業評鑑、重新修訂課程綱要。 3.加強溝通宣導方面:如中央及地方主管教育機關應加強對社會大眾有關政策之溝通宣導、充分提供交流平台,讓學校推動九年一貫課程積極認真,並有具體成效之優良案例廣為交流分享。The study with the aim of realizing the present situation of Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines in junior high schools in Taipei County. To achieve the research goal, designed “questionnaires of Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines in junior high schools in Taipei County” are used in this study as research tools. 1475 qualified teachers from 27 sampling schools are surveyed and 927questionaires had been completed and returned (63.19%). According to the data collected, SPSS8.01 for Windows is used for statistical analysis such as descriptive statistics, Independent-Samples T-Test, One-Way ANOVA and Scheffe comparative analysis. Besides, through interviews, the ideas of 34 teachers among 12 schools are collected and the problems and suggestions of Grade 1-9 Curriculum are being noticed. The conclusions of the study are divided into two parts: 1. self-assessment for the present situation of Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines in junior high schools in Taipei County (1) The overall self-assessment for the present situation of Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines tends to have the attitude of “partial agreement” in junior high schools in Taipei County. (2) “The number of classes in schools” makes little difference for the teachers’ overall self-assessment for the present situation of Curriculum Guidelines. (3) “The difference of school administrative districts” makes little difference for the teachers’ overall self-assessment for the present situation of Curriculum Guidelines. (4) “The difference of teaching experience” makes little difference for the teachers’ overall self-assessment for the present situation of Curriculum Guidelines. (5) “Sex difference” makes a difference for the teachers’ overall self-assessment for the present situation of Curriculum Guidelines. In the way of the overall assessment, male teachers are much higher than females ones in average. And in the phase of “curriculum plan” and “supplementary measures”, males are even higher than females as well. (6) “The highest educational background” makes a difference for the teachers’ overall self-assessment for the present situation of Curriculum Guidelines. The overall assessment shows that teachers graduated from “colleges” are much higher than teachers from “graduate schools”. And in the way of “Curriculum Plan” and “Curriculum Implementation”, teachers graduated from “colleges” are higher than teachers from “graduate schools” as well. (7) “Being a member of Committee of Curriculum Development” makes a difference for the teachers’ overall self-assessment for the present situation of Curriculum Guidelines. The overall assessment reveals that being members of Committee of Curriculum Development are higher than not being members of Committee of Curriculum Development in average. And in the phase of “Curriculum Plan”, being members of Committee of Curriculum Development are also higher than not being members of Committee of Curriculum Development. (8) “Teaching fields” makes little difference for the teachers’ overall self-assessment for the present situation of Curriculum Guidelines schools. 2. Problems and suggestions of Curriculum Guidelines in junior high schools in Taipei County (1) Problems that schools encountered (a) School administration: the performing power of school curriculum is unclear、the problems of teachers’ teaching periods and allotment of classes、more burden of administrative affairs. (b) Curriculum implementation and instructional assessment: adjustment of teaching styles、connective problems among several versions of textbooks、insufficient of supplementary measurements. (c) Teachers’ professional improvement: teachers’ professional ability is not enough、unwilling of attending seminars、more burden for teachers. (2) Suggestions from Schools: (a)Policy revision: Competence Indicators are too general and complicated and not easily understood and transformed、how to balance Subject Learning Periods and Alternative Learning Periods、consider to edit original textbooks、how to fulfill school-based curriculum evaluation and Instructional evaluation、Academic Attainment Testing and multiple attending school policies. (b)Sound supplementary measurement: Teacher educational centers reconsider curriculum to improve teachers’ professional abilities、providing teaching certificates of different fields and learning ways for teachers、improving teaching facilities、giving teachers less instructional periods to lessen burden、implementing academic testing through stages、giving opportunities to have conversations between junior high schools and elementary schools teachers、fulfilling teaching evaluation、Curriculum Guidelines revisions. (c)Reinforce communication and promotion: Central and local government should strengthen the policy to the public and give them chances to communicate. Then schools will carry out Grade 1-9 Curriculum in real earnest and more efficiently.九年一貫課程課程綱要實施課程實施Grade 1-9 CurriculumThe Implementation of Grade 1-9 Curriculum GuidelinesCurriculum Implementation台北縣國民中學九年一貫課程綱要實施現況之研究