陳政友Chen Cheng-yu黃怡貞Huang Yi-Jen2019-08-282014-2-152019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097053109%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87650本研究旨在了解出國民眾對機場發燒篩檢措施實施之認知、態度與滿意度。以自編結構式問卷進行資料收集, 採方便抽樣的方式,以中華民國國籍之1 8 歲以上出境旅客為樣本,共得有效問卷4 2 0 份, 樣本有效回收率8 7 . 1 4 % , 本研究之主要結果發現: ㄧ、研究對象對機場發燒篩檢之認知狀況良好;對機場發燒篩檢 措施實施之態度正向; 對機場發燒篩檢措施滿意程度為佳。 二、研究對象的機場發燒篩檢措施認知與年齡呈現顯著正相關, 表示年齡越大, 認知得分越高; 研究對象之機場發燒篩檢措 施滿意度, 與出國次數及機場發燒篩檢經驗呈顯著正相關, 表示出國次數及機場發燒篩檢經驗越多, 對機場發燒篩檢措 施之滿意度也越高。 三、研究對象機場發燒篩檢措施之「認知」與「態度」、「認知」 與 「 滿 意 度 」 以 及 「 態 度 」 與 「 滿意度」彼此之間呈現 顯著正相關, 顯示研究對象機場發燒篩檢措施之認知越高 者, 態度與滿意度也越好, 態度越正向其滿意度也越高。 四、研究對象「背景變項」、「機場發燒篩檢措施認知」及「機場 發燒篩檢措施態度」可以有效預測「機場發燒篩檢措施滿意 度」,並可以解釋「機場發燒篩檢措施滿意度」總變異量的2 0 . 2 %,經迴歸係數檢定發現,「在機場實際接受機場發燒篩檢措 施經驗」、「機場發燒篩檢措施之認知」、「機場發燒篩檢措施 之態度」為主要預測變項, 其中以「機場發燒篩檢措施之態 度」最具有解釋力。結果顯示, 研究對象在機場實際接受機 燒篩檢措施經驗次數越多, 對機場發燒篩檢措施之認知越 高; 對機場發燒篩檢措施之態度越正向, 其對機場發燒篩檢 措施滿意度就越好。The main purpose of this study was to understand the cognition, attitude and satisfaction for fever screening measures among Taiwanese passengers. The targeted group of this study was mainly on passengers who were over 18 years of age with Nationality of the Republic of China. The method of test was convenience sampling with the Self-edited structure questionnaires to collect data. There were 420 questionnaires collected, for a response rate of 87.14% . The major conclusions of this study were as follows: 1. Passengers had good cognition of implementation for fever screening measures; their attitude of implementation for fever screening measures was posstive; their satisfaction of implementation for fever screening measures was good. 2. The association between passengers’ cognition about fever screening measures and their age was significantly related. It showed that senior passengers had better result of cognition. As for passengers’ satisfaction about fever screening measures, the frequency of oversea and the experience of fever screening was positively associated.It indicated the more travelling and the experience of fever screening, the more satisfaction about fever screening measures. 3. There was significantly associated between cognition and attitude, cognition andsatisfaction, attitude and satisfaction for the implementation of fever screening measures. It showed while passengers’ cognition of fever screening measures is higher, their attitude and satisfaction would be good. So, positive attitude could enhance satisfaction. 4. The variable items of passengers’ background, the cognition of fever screening measures and the attitude toward fever screening measures could effectively predict the satisfaction of fever screening measures and explain 20.2% variation of the satisfaction of fever screening measures. By the test of regression coefficient, it found the experience of fever screening measures at the airport, the cognition of fever screening measures, the attitude toward fever screening measures would be major variable. Especially, the attitude toward fever screening measures was explainable. The result showed: when passengers experienced more fever screening measures at the airport, they would equip with higher cognition of fever screening measures; while they had positive attitude toward fever screening measures, they were satisfied with fever screening measures.出國民眾機場發燒篩檢措施認知機場發燒篩檢措施態度機場發燒篩檢措施滿意度Taiwanese PassengersThe cognition of fever screening measuresThe attitude toward fever screening measuresThe satisfaction of fever screening measures出國民眾對機場發燒篩檢措施實施之認知、態度與滿意度研究Study of Cognition,Attitude and Satisfaction for Fever Screening Measures among Taiwanese Passengers