賴慧文Lai, Whuei-Wen廖鴻璋Liao, Hung-Chang2023-12-082023-06-102023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/006df83e7ef885e5806f5ad8b40529ee/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120204科技日新月異,人類的巧思千奇百種,許多專家學者為了後代子孫,努力研究新發明,造福全世界。智慧醫療(Digital Health)是目前全球各先進國家所積極創新追尋的議題。(世界衛生組織(WHO)報告,2021)。智慧醫療除使用資訊及通訊科技來促進健康照護身體運作外,更積極利用物聯網、AI人工智慧、機器人與大數據等創新技術來改善醫療,促進人類的生活品質。澎湖離島位居台灣一隅,交通需要航運或海運作為媒介載送;人口老化更居全台灣前三名,年輕人大多出外求學或工作,許多獨居的中、老年人留在家鄉生活。所以離島醫院就要負起社會公義責任,幫忙照顧並處理緊急突發的危急事件或參與政府公共衛生推動及社區服務推廣活動。於2019年07月本論文作者在南台灣著名醫學中心的大禮堂,機緣巧遇下,見證了跨時代新科技的產物「遠距醫療」。當下以為台灣法律限制很多,不可能那麼快就快速發展起來。2020年01月中旬,COVID-19疫情爆發,接著全球各地大流行傳染疾病,人與人的關係不再那麼緊密,但生活所需及日常工作仍要持續進行,世界各處還是要繼續維持運作,「遠距視訊」因應而生,本研究作者接受上級長官命令,執行「偏鄉離島遠距醫療視訊門診診療計畫」,剛開始惶惶不可終日,慢慢熟悉以後,與離島醫院遠距醫療團隊在醫院長官指導下,慢慢地成長,之後憑藉偶然機會,到北台灣高端的國立大學管理學院研究所,接受系統性、階段性學術上的訓練與深造,研究上針對自2020年02月離島醫院開始與南部知名的A和B兩家醫學中心合作「實施遠距醫療門診」迄今;資料蒐集到2023年02月。以管理學的角度,用統計的科學方法,使用迴歸模型,將研究的結果、結論做客觀地分析,再以謙虛、誠懇的態度向長官提出建言與研究結果,希冀能讓將來有意承做此工作,不論用來是造福人類或以此新創科技模式營利的商業行為,有所憑據規臬與學習的經驗。Science and technology are rapidly and constantly changing with continuing human innovation. Therefore, experts and scholars are dedicated to researching new inventions that benefit the world, particularly in medical care. Smart Healthcare (Digital Health) is currently an issue actively pursued by advanced countries around the world. (World Health Organization (WHO) report, 2021).In addition to using information and communication technology to promote health care and physical operation, Smart Healthcare advocates the utilization of big data, Internet of Things (IoT), AI artificial intelligence, and robots technologies to improve medical care and the quality of people’s lives. The outlying islands of Penghu are located to the southwest of Taiwan, and the major ways of transportation from Taiwan to Penghu are by plane or by ferry. Penghu has an aging population ranked top 3 in Taiwan, and most young people here study or work in Taiwan, leaving middle-aged and elderly people living alone in Penghu hometowns. Therefore,the outlying island hospital is responsible for social security, in terms of taking care of emergencies, participating in government public health promotions, and also engaging in community service activities.In a famous conference in southern Taiwan in July 2019, I witnessed"Telemedicine", the remote diagnosis and treatment of patients by means of telecommunication technology. At that time, it was hard for me to imagine the extensive promotion of Telemedicine due to possible restrictions of Taiwan’s law. However, the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in mid-January 2020, followed by global pandemic infectious diseases everywhere, changed the world: the relationships among people are no longer close; however, daily life and work still need to go on. The “Remote-“is born accordingly.The author of this study was required by the superior officers to implement the “Telemedicine Video Outpatient Diagnosis Plan for Outlying Islands in Remote Villages”. I was in panic at the very beginning. The Telemedicine team of Island Hospital has grown steadily under the guidance of the hospital chief. In the meantime, I was admitted to the high-end College of Management in Taipei to receive systematic and advanced academic trainings in management since February 2020. This current study is to examine the effectiveness of Tele-ophthalmology outpatient management in one hospital on Penghu Islands, which is new in the literature. The hospital has cooperated with two well-known medical centers in southern Taiwan, A and B. The current study collects all available information regarding the implementation of Telemedicine outpatient service up to February 2023. From the perspective of management viewpoints, the study analyzes the effectiveness of tele-ophthalmology outpatient management using regression models, and makes scientific conclusions. With a humble and sincere attitude, this study, to some extent, hopes to provide some scientific results to shorten future learning curves and policy implications for people who will undertake such projects in the future.遠距醫療離島遠距醫療門診診療實施計畫迴歸分析模型顯著性管理學院研究所智慧醫療物聯網AI人工智慧機器人大數據COVID-19疫情telemedicinesignificanceregression analysismanagement instituteoutlying island telemedicine outpatient diagnosis and treatment implementation plansmart medical careInternet of ThingsAI artificial intelligencerobotbig dataCOVID-19 epidemic實施遠距眼科診療門診管理成效分析-以臺灣離島醫院為例The Analysis on Tele-Ophthalmology Outpatient Management-Evidence from A Taiwan Outer-Island Hospitaletd