姚榮松林賜煙2019-08-292011-8-222019-08-292011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096262123%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93229小時候時,常聽長輩、收音機左一句「俗語講」,右一句「俗語說」,這種「浸潤歲月,發乎內心,吐露情懷」的常民話語,不但蘊智慧與幽默,更含真理與機智,在「耳之為聽,心之有感」的環境下學到了一些,長大北上求學就業後,就很少聽到親切又實用的俗語。平時或逢年過節,返鄉探親,家鄉的鄉音也逐漸快步在變化,年輕一輩更不太會說,俗語語料就這樣看得見的逐漸在流失。 本文以彰化市為研究範圍,有二個原因:一是不忘本,因為彰化是作者「己身所從出」的家鄉,希望「傳承祖宗言,耕種祖宗田」,二是難輕忽,彰化市是縱貫鐵路海線與山線交會處,融水陸於一身,更是西部平原中心點,通南北於一地。彰化市自荷治即納入管轄,行政建置歷明鄭、清領,至日治,原為街後陞為市,戰後先為省轄市,再改為縣轄市,閱歷豐富,內涵深厚,有很多值得探索的俗語語料,希望藉由鄉土俗語來探討彰化市的歷史、社會、語言、文化…等課題,展現一鄉一市鎮的特色,並加以傳承發揚。 本論文共分成六章,第一章〈序論〉主要是闡述本文的研究動機、目的、範圍與研究方法及文獻探討。第二章〈台灣俗語的因襲與變化〉透過比對台灣各地與祖藉地泉州、漳州、廈門的俗語語料,引出哪些是因襲自泉州,哪些是因襲自漳州,哪些是因襲自廈門,到了台灣又有什麼變化等。第三章〈彰化市的自然地理與人文概述〉在此概述彰化市的自然與人文沿革,以瞭解俗語與正史間存有互相佐證的關係。第四章〈彰化市俗語的類型分析〉將蒐集到的俗語,由近而遠,由內而外,分為「生活習俗類」、「濟世宗教類」、「人文哲理類」及「物產傳說類」等,逐字逐句標音釋義,並比對有無因襲自泉州、漳州及廈門的俗語及有何變化,並從心理學馬斯洛的需求理論來看彰化市俗語的類型,及以相關圖表提出結語。第五章〈彰化市俗語的音韻分析〉對漳泉音韻進行對照比較分析,及從數據統計分析,以圖表呈現目前狀況。第六章〈結論〉除了從因襲面看彰化市的俗語與變化,並從馬斯洛的需求理論看彰化市的俗語,再整合出彰化市俗語的特色與價值所在,及重要發現與研究限制,以期保存語料並傳承。In my childhood, I was often impressed by how the elders and radio personalities engaged in conversations strewn with folk sayings or proverbs that were immersed in history, full of sincerity and emotions. Not only are these sayings gems of wisdom and humor, they also reflect truth and quick wit. I learned some of those sayings growing up in an environment where they were heard frequently, and I agreed with them deep in my heart. After I left my hometown to pursue advanced studies and a career up north, such familiar and useful folk sayings were seldom heard. I also am surprised to find my mother tongue rapidly changing at each homecoming trip during non-holiday or holiday seasons, and I am appalled at the youngsters’ poor command of their native language nowadays; folk sayings as corpora are noticeably disappearing. This paper focuses on Changhua City for two reasons. The first reason is to preserve the tradition of Changhua, where the author of this paper was born and raised, in an attempt to “keep alive the language of ancestors and cultivate ancestral paddies”. Secondly, Changhua City is hardly ignorable: it is where the coast line of the North-South Railway meets the mountain line, a place served by waterways and land traffic routes, as well as the geographical center of Western Taiwan Plain crucial to the country’s north-south traffic. Since the days of Dutch colonial rule, Changhua City has been designated as an administrative district by various rulers including Koxiga during the Ming dynasty, the Qing government and Japanese colonization. Initially a street, Changhua was upgraded to a city (i.e., a provincial city after World War II and then a county-controlled city) and acquired plenty of historical experiences as well as significance along the way, resulting in many corpora of folk sayings worth exploring. By scrutinizing rustic folk sayings, the author of this paper explored the historic, social, linguistic and cultural dimensions of Changhua City in order to demonstrate, carry on, and further develop the distinctiveness of each township and village. This paper comprises six chapters. In Chapter 1, “Introduction”, the author explains the purpose, objectives and scope of this paper, and presents a literature review as well as the methodology of research. Chapter 2, “The Inheritance and Evolution of Folk Sayings in Taiwanese Local Areas”, compares the corpora of folk sayings in regions across Taiwan and examines their places of ethnic origin (i.e., Quanzhou, Zhangzhou and Xiamen) in order to determine the proverbs inherited from Quanzhou, Zhangzhou and Xiamen, respectively, and how they evolved in Taiwan. Chapter 3, “The Natural Environment and History of Changhua City”, offers a brief description of the city’s natural features and history that provides a foundation for mutual-verification between folk sayings and the authorized history. In Chapter 4, “The Types and Evolution of Folk Sayings in Changhua City”, the folk sayings collected are categorized as: lifestyle and customs, charity and religion, humanities and philosophy and products and legends-, in a geographically outward manner, with word-by-word, sentence-by-sentence phonetic spellings and explanations. Folk sayings inherited from Quanzhou, Zhangzhou and Xiamen were also compared in this chapter to examine how they had changed from the original versions. Chapter5, “The Phonological Analysis of Folk Sayings in Changhua City”, the folk sayings collected are analyzied by the Quanzhou-Zhangzhou phonetic comparison. Chapter 6, “Conclusions”, summarizes the changes in Changhua City’s folk sayings from the perspectives of cultural inheritance as well as Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The distinctiveness, value, critical discoveries and research limitations of such sayings were concluded in an effort to preserve and pass down the corpora to generations to come.彰化市俗語語料鄉土因襲變化Changhua Cityfolk sayingscorporarusticinheritancechange彰化市俗語研究