郭靜姿教授Dr. Ching-Chih Kuo顏巧怡Chiao-Yi Yen2019-08-282010-03-012019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694090176%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91823本研究旨在探討高中資優生與普通生在認知—情意交織特質、正向支持環境及志願服務傾向之間的情形。以全國高中一、二年級資優生與普通生為研究對象,採立意取樣方式,取得有效樣本1065人,並以自編之「正向心理特質量表」為研究工具,量表回收後將施測結果以描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、Pearson積差相關、迴歸分析及結構方程模式等統計方法進行資料處理。本研究主要發現如下: 一、整體高中學生在認知—情意交織特質、正向支持環境及志願服務傾向之表現普遍屬於正向。 二、在認知—情意交織特質方面,性別在「勇氣」及「人道關懷」達顯著差異,男生在「勇氣」向度得分高於女生,女生在「人道關懷」向度顯著高於男生;年級在「勇氣」達顯著差異,一年級的得分高於二年級;普通班與資優班在「人道關懷」及「未來遠景」達顯著差異,資優班的得分均高於普通班;學術性向與藝術才能優異學生在「勇氣」達顯著差異,學術性向優異學生的得分較高。 三、在正向支持環境方面,性別在「總量表」及「社會」、「學校/教師」、「同儕」向度達顯著差異,女生得分皆高於男生;年級在「學校/教師」達顯著差異,一年級的得分高於二年級;普通班與資優班在「家庭」達顯著差異,資優班學生所獲得的正向支持度較高。 四、在志願服務傾向方面,男生和女生在「全量表」及「利己傾向」、「利他傾向」向度皆達顯著差異,女生之得分皆高於男生;年級及班級類型則未見有差異存在。 五、認知—情意交織特質及正向支持環境能有效預測志願服務傾向,解釋量達47.5%。從結構方程模式(SEM)檢驗架構模型發現,正向支持環境對於志願服務傾向具有較高的預測力。 根據上述研究結果,提出對教學及未來研究的建議,以供進一步研究之參考。This study aimed to investigate the co-cognitive traits, positive institutes, and voluntary services of both gifted and ordinary students in senior high schools, and to explore: (1)the current status of the co-cognitive traits, positive institutes, and voluntary services of senior high school students; (2)the related factors of voluntary services; (3)the predictive ability of co-cognitive traits and positive institutes on voluntary services. The study developed “Positive Psychology Scale” as the instrument and selected 1065 10th and 11th graders from senior high schools in Taiwan as subjects by purposive sampling. Relevant data were thus collected and analyzed with descriptive statistics, independent t-test, Pearson’s r, simple linear regression, and structural equation modeling (SEM). Major findings of the study were listed as follows: 1.The performance of the targeted subjects were above average on their co-cognitive traits, positive institutes, and voluntary services. 2.There were significant differences in co-cognitive traits regarding to genders, grades, and classes. Boys showed better performances in courage while girls showed better performances in sensitivity to human concerns. The 10th graders showed better performances in courage than the 11th graders. The gifted students showed better performances in courage and vision/sense of destiny than the ordinary students. 3.There were significant differences in positive institutes regarding to genders, grades, and classes. Girls showed better performances in society, school/teacher, and peers than boys. The 10th graders showed better performances in school/teacher than the 11th graders. The gifted students showed better performances in family than the ordinary students. 4.There were significant differences in voluntary services regarding to genders only. Girls showed better performances in voluntary services than boys. 5.The two predictive variables of co-cognitive traits and positive institutes were obviously predictable to whole senior high school students’ performances on voluntary services. Some suggestions for teaching and future research were concluded.正向心理學認知—情意交織特質正向環境志願服務結構方程模式positive psychologyco-cognitive traitspositive institutesvoluntary servicesstructural equation modeling高中資優生與普通生認知—情意交織特質、正向支持環境及志願服務傾向之研究A Study on Co-VoCognitive Traits, Positive Institutes, and luntary Services of Senior High School Students