國立臺灣師範大學國文學系李清筠2015-11-172015-11-171999-06-011019-6706http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/75230本文以曹氐父予樂府詩為依據,探討三人在詩中所呈現的神仙世界,並分析這些內容與文化傳統之間的關係--包含神仙信仰的吸收與遊仙詩寫作的承創,最後簡析三人神仙思想的異同及書寫心態。This paper aims at the Yueh-Fu Poems written by the Tsaurs (father and his two sons). The themes focus on discussing the immortal world presented in their poems, and analyzing the relationship betweren their contents and cultural traditions, as well as the digesting the immortal worship and the linking between inheritances & creations of writing such supernatural beings poems. Then, this paper, in the final, simply analyzed the Tsaurs' immortal thoughts and the similarities and differences about writing aspects, manners, and the like.三曹樂府遊仙詩神仙信仰The tsaursYueh-fuAncient Chinese poems & songsSupernatural beings poemsThe immortal worship三曹樂府詩中的神仙世界