黃明月Ming-Yueh Hwang宋曉玫Hsiao-Mei Sung2019-08-292012-2-162019-08-292012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697020081%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92456本研究的目的在了解中高齡者網路即時通訊軟體採用之意圖與行為,並探討背景變項在其採用意圖與行為之差異情形,續綜合科技接受模式、主觀規範、知覺樂趣與專注,探究模式對於解釋使用意圖與行為的合適性。本研究採自陳式問卷調查法,以臺北市與新北市社區大學與高齡者學習機構中四十歲以上成人為樣本,有效樣本共197份,資料分別以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關與路徑分析來進行統計分析。結果發現,中高齡者對網路即時通訊軟體具有中高程度的評價,在使用過程中頗為專注且享有頗多的樂趣,使用意圖亦為中高程度。超過六成者有實際使用行為,頻率較不密集,平均使用時間多不超過一小時。不同教育程度在軟體的操作易用程度上有著差異情形,經濟狀況較佳者在科技接受程度與使用行為上有較佳的表現。模式對中高齡者網路即時通訊軟體之使用意圖有76.6%的解釋量,對使用頻率僅有10.6%的解釋量,對使用時間之解釋量則僅有.9.1%。本研究建議可廣設公共電腦設備以及不同程度之電腦課程,提供中高齡者更多的接觸管道與學習機會;對於成人教育者則須提供培訓課程,使教師在教學現場能夠因應中高齡者個別差異與學習狀況的變化,增刪課程內容或是提供適當之教學引導,促進中高齡者良好的學習與使用經驗,對電腦與網際網路使用有更佳的印象,從而能將之運用於生活中。This study aimed to understand the instant messenger (IM) behavioral intention and usage of older adults. Subjective norm, perceived enjoyment and concentration were added to the technology acceptance model in order to understand the explanation power to behavioral intention and usage. Subjects were adult aged over forty who enrolled in computer classes of community colleges and other adult educational organizations in Taipei City and New Taipei City. A total of 197 questionnaires were completed and analyzed. According to the results, older adults contained positive attitude and behavioral intention towards IM. Over sixty percentages of subjects had actual usage. However, the frequency was not intensive and the time spent on IM was mostly under an hour. With perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment and concentration, the proposed model could explain 76.6% of the variance in behavioral intention. Nevertheless, the model could only explain 10.6% of the variance in using frequency. Significant differences were found in perceived ease of use in terms of education level and economic status. Moreover, older adults with better economic status used IM more often andspent more time on it. Based on these findings, setting up courses at different levels and public computer and internet apparatus were recommended to facilitate older adults’ access to computers and to learning. Providing training courses to lecturers was also suggested in order to advance teaching skills of lecturers.中高齡者科技接受模式主觀規範即時通訊軟體知覺樂趣older adulttechnology acceptance modelinstant messengerperceived enjoyment以科技接受模式探討中高齡者使用網路即時通訊軟體之意圖與行為A Study of Older Adults' Behavioral Intention and Usage of Instant Messenger Based on Technology Acceptance Model