國立臺灣師範大學資訊教育研究所吳正己Wu, Cheng-Chih2014-10-302014-10-302000-08-07http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/34646本計畫為整合型計畫「國中教師電腦知能學習研究」中的一個子計畫,主要目的是為了增進國中社會科教師的電腦知能,並培養其資訊融入教學之能力。本計畫分三年進行,第一年計畫的主要目的是分析國中社會科教師電腦知能的需求,並實際製作及實施資訊融入教學活動。我們以國中—大學合作的方式進行本研究,研究的進行係以座談會、問卷、教師電腦研習、及資訊融入教材製作與教學來蒐集相關資料。初步研究發現,社會科教師所應具備之電腦知能與一般所謂的電腦素養並無差異;然而,社會科教師若欲自行製作資訊融入教材,則其所應具備的電腦知能應更深更廣,這方面之探討將於下年度的計畫中進行。The objective of this three-year project is to enhance Social Studies teachers' computer proficiency. The purposes of this year (the first year) are to identify Social Studies teachers' requirements of computer knowledge and skills, and to design and field teaching computer-integrated instructional materials. The research is conducted by establishing a school/university partnership with a selected junior high school. Ten social studies teachers are involved in this project. Discussion forum, computer training sessions, questionnaire survey, instructional materials development, and field teaching were organized for the teachers in order to collect research data. The preliminary findings are social teachers require similar computer proficiency as other teachers when 'using'computers in instruction; however, for 'developing' computer integrated materials, they may need stronger and content-specific computer skills. We will elaborate the issue regarding to developing computer-integrated materials in our next year study.國民中學社會科電腦知能教師訓練電腦態度網路學習環境Junior high schoolSocial studiesComputer competencyTeacher trainingComputer attitudeNetwork-based learning environment國中教師電腦知能學習研究─社會科(1/3)Enhancing Junior High School Social Studies Teachers' Computer Proficiency(1/3)