王如哲 博士Wang Ju Zhe朱清雅Chu Ching Ya2019-08-282009-7-202019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0592003002%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89827本研究旨在瞭解臺北縣國民小學校長轉型領導與教師知識創造之現況,並探討不同人口變項的學校人員對校長轉型領導與教師知識創造知覺程度的差異以及不同學校環境背景變項的國民小學在校長轉型領導與教師知識創造之差異,最後,探究兩者之間的關係,並分析其預測力。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以臺北縣市國民小學學校人員為調查分析對象,編製「國民小學校長轉型領導與教師知識創造現況調查問卷」進行調查,問卷研究對象以臺北縣40所國民小學584位學校人員為樣本,蒐集的資料以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Scheffé 事後考驗法、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計分法進行分析與處理,獲致以下結論: 一、臺北縣國民小學校長轉型領導的現況屬良好程度。 二、臺北縣國民小學教師知識創造的現況屬良好程度。 三、臺北縣不同人口變項之國民小學教育人員對校長轉型領導的知覺程度 會因不同的性別、最高學歷、服務年資、現任職務而有顯著差異。 四、臺北縣不同人口變項之國民小學教育人員對教師知識創造的知覺程度 會因不同最高學歷而有顯著差異;不會因不同的性別、服務年資、現 任職務而有顯著差異。 五、臺北縣不同環境背景變項之國民小學在校長轉型領導的表現會因不同 的學校歷史而有顯著差異;不會因不同的學校規模、學校位置而有顯 著差異。 六、臺北縣不同環境背景變項之國民小學在教師知識創造的表現會因不同 的學校規模、學校位置有顯著差異;不會因不同的學校歷史而有顯著 差異 七、臺北縣國民小學校長轉型領導與教師知識創造二者之間具有非常顯著的正相關。 八、臺北縣國民小學校長轉型領導對教師知識創造整體具有中度預測力, 且以「啟發才智」最具預測力。 最後,依據研究結果,提出具體建議,俾供教育行政機關、國民小學校長及未來研究之參考。This study attempted to investigate the current situational of principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ knowledge creation of elementary schools in Taipei County, and to analyze the differences between principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ knowledge creation in consciousness of personal variables and school environmental variables. Furthermore, it tried to explore the relationships between principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ knowledge creation. Finally, this study tried to verify these factors for prediction. This study employed questionnaire.The samples were 584 school staff selected from 40 elementary schools in Taipei County. The researcher analyzed the survey data by various statistical methods such as: t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé method, canonical correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. These conclusions were summarized as below: 1. The current conditions of principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ knowledge creation of elementary schools in Taipei County are good﹒ 2. The teachers of elementary school had different consciousness of principals’ transformational leadership among different personal variables. On account of the gender, the education background, the service periods, in-service position, there are evident differences among principals’ transformational leadership of elementary schools in Taipei County. 3. The teachers of elementary school had different consciousness of teachers’ knowledge creation among different personal variables. Not owing to the gender, the service periods, in-service position, there are existing differences;  but on account of the education background, there are evident differences  among teachers’ knowledge creation of elementary schools in Taipei County. 4. The elementary school had different expression of principals’ transformational leadership among different environmental variables. Not owing to the scale of the school, the location of the school, there are existing differences; but on account of the history of school, there are evident differences among principals’ transformational leadership of elementary schools in Taipei County. 5. The elementary school had different expression of teachers’ knowledge creation among different environmental variables. Not owing to the history of the school, there are existing differences; but on account of the scale of school, the location of the school, there are evident differences among teachers’ knowledge creation of elementary schools in Taipei County. 6. There are high positive correlation between principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ knowledge creation for elementary schools in Taipei County. 7. Every dimension of principals’ transformational leadership have medium prediction to whole teachers’ knowledge creation of elementary schools in Taipei County. ln the end, according to this research provided concrete suggestions for the reference of the educational authorities, principal and follow-up researchers.國民小學轉型領導知識創造elementary schoolstransformational leadershipknowledge creation臺北縣國民小學校長轉型領導與教師知識創造關係之研究A study on the relationship between principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ knowledge creation of elementary schools in Taipei County