吳舜文Wu, Shun-Wen張紫媛Chang, Zi-Yuan2024-12-172024-07-172024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/0e6ea18b648e95072bbf16f7013e257b/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122398本研究目的在探討學生於「以律動回應音樂之課程」後,是否能透過多樣性的肢體律動回應及表現音樂中不同的元素,表現其音樂創造力。本研究採前後測準實驗設計,研究對象為新北市某國小四年級,研究者依隨機方式從任教之六個班級中挑選兩個班級,分為實驗組學生接受「以律動回應音樂之課程」26名,以及控制組學生接受一般音樂教學26名。本教學研究為每週一節共進行六週,每節課四十分鐘,在教學實驗前、後,兩組學生皆會進行研究者所設計之「以律動回應音樂之創造力測驗」,並請專家學者運用共識化評量技法檢視其成果,資料蒐集後,經由SPSS 26將結果進行統計。研究發現如下:一、實驗組學生音樂推衍力之進步程度顯著於控制組學生實驗組的音域、樂句、力度及速度有顯著進步。控制組的音域及力度有進步;樂句及速度則有顯著進步。二、實驗組學生音樂變通力之進步程度顯著於控制組學生實驗組的音域、樂句、力度及速度有顯著進步。控制組的音域沒有明顯進步;樂句及力度有進步;速度有顯著進步。三、實驗組學生音樂獨創力之進步程度顯著於控制組學生實驗組的音域、力度及速度有顯著進步;樂句有進步。控制組的音域沒有明顯進步;樂句及力度有進步;速度有顯著進步。四、實驗組學生音樂綜合力之進步程度顯著於控制組學生實驗組的表達樂曲形式及音樂情感、完整表演整曲有顯著進步;敘述故事劇情有進步。控制組的表達樂曲形式及音樂情感、敘述故事劇情有顯著進步;完整表演整曲有進步。The purpose of this study is to explore whether students can demonstrate their musical creativity through various body movements after taking the"Responding to Music through Movement" course. The study uses a pre-test and post-test design with fourth-grade students from an elementary school in New Taipei City. Two classes were randomly selected, 26 students in the experimental group, and 26 students in the control group had regular music classes. The course was conducted once a week for six weeks, with each session lasting forty minutes. Before and after the course, both groups took a "Creativity Test for Responding to Music through Movement". Experts reviewed the results using a consensus assessment technique. Data were collected and analyzed with SPSS 26. The findings are as follows: 1. Students in the experimental group showed more improvement in musical extensiveness than students in the control group. The experimental group showed a significant difference in range, phrase, dynamics, and tempo. The control group showed a difference in range and dynamics, and also a significant difference in phrase and tempo. 2. Students in the experimental group showed more improvement in musical flexibility than students in the control group.The experimental group showed a significant difference in range, phrase, dynamics and tempo.The control group did not show any difference in range, but they showed a difference in phrase and dynamics, and also showed a significant difference in tempo.3. Students in the experimental group showed more improvement in musical originality than students in the control group.The experimental group showed a significant difference in range, dynamics and tempo, and also showed a difference in phrase.The control group did not show any difference in range, but they showed a difference in phrase and dynamics, and also showed a significant difference in tempo.4. Students in the experimental group showed more improvement in musical Syntax than students in the control group.The experimental group showed a significant difference to express musical form and emotion, and performing a complete piece, and also showed a difference in narrating storylines.The control group showed a significant difference to express musical form and emotion and narrating storylines, and also showed a difference in performing a complete piece.音樂律動音樂創造力以律動回應音樂之課程音樂元素Movement in MusicMusical CreativityThe Course through Responding to MusicMusic Elements以律動回應音樂之創造力成效研究A Research on the Effectiveness of Creativity through Responding to Music with Movement學術論文