周世玉Chou, ShihYu陳宣存Chen, Hsuan-Tsun2019-09-032016-7-292019-09-032013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060056025O%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94545觀光旅遊是現今最具潛力的產業之一,但在目前百家爭鳴、競爭激烈的情況,旅行業如何脫穎而出即是重要的議題;本研究以三年內參加歐洲團體套裝旅遊的台灣遊客為主要對象來探討其旅遊動機、目的地意象對歐洲旅遊行程購買意願之影響,運用推拉旅遊動機理論來了解前往歐洲旅客的內在誘因及外在吸引力,並藉目的地意象來悉知旅客對歐洲的概念及感受,用以獲得更多有助於未來開發歐洲市場的產品及行銷策略參考。 研究方法採用問卷調查方式,共取得有效問卷219份,並使用SPSS17.0進行資料統計分析。台灣遊客前往歐洲旅遊的推力動機有「放鬆身心」、「增進新知」、「社交」、「冒險新奇」四個因素,拉力動機則為「娛樂」、「自然景觀與文化」、「當地環境設施發展」三個因素,目的地意象有「自然文化資源」、「社會環境」、「娛樂性」、「度假氛圍」、「氣氛」、「情感意象」六個因素。 研究結果顯示,部分內、外在旅遊動及目的地意象對於歐洲旅遊行程購買意願有部分顯著的正向影響,並以旅客偏好及特性將旅客進一步分群,探討其上述關係間的差別。Nowadays, the tourism industry is one of the most potential industries. Because of the tourism industry becomes more and more competitive in Taiwan, therefore to achieve sustainable success has became a very important issue. This study is to investigate the impact of travel motivations and destination image on travel product purchase intention of Taiwanese travelers with group package tours to Europe. This study examines the internal motivations of travelers and analyzes the attractions of Europe via the theory of push and pulls motivations. This study also uses the concept of destination image to understand the impression and feeling of Europe traveler. Furthermore, this study also further categorizes travelers by their travel preference and demographic characteristics to explore the differences of the impact on travel product purchase intention. By doing so, I could and obtain more useful information for travel product and marketing strategies. This study finds that partial internal, external motivations and destination image positively affects travel product purchase intention.旅遊動機目的地意象旅遊行程購買意願歐洲Travel motivationsDestination imageTravel product purchase intentionEurope旅遊動機及目的地意象對歐洲旅遊行程購買意願之影響A Study of the Impact of Travel Motivations and Destination Image on Travel Product Purchase Intention