闕月清Keh, Nyit-Chin葉忠誠Yeh, Chung-Cheng2019-09-052017-03-012019-09-052017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0501303101%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104895美國學者 Don Hellison 所提倡的個人與社會責任模式已成為新興體育課程模式,研究發現指出能改善青少年責任感、尊重與幫助他人的品格之塑造。由於研究者為慈輝班十鼓打擊教練,經常接觸行為偏差、中輟、學習成就低落之學生。為此,透過慈輝班十鼓打擊課程融入 TPSRM 之敘說探究,藉以培養與提升慈輝班學生的個人與社會責任層級。目的:瞭解慈輝班學生透過十鼓打擊課程融入 TPSR 模式之責任層級轉變,並進一步探究慈輝班學生的行為知覺改變。方法:採用敘說探究法,於十鼓打擊課程融入 18 堂 TPSR 模式教學中,以錄影觀察、開放性訪談、教師日誌、專家日誌、學習單等方法蒐集資料,並以內容分析法分析所蒐集之質性資料。研究結果:一、慈輝班學生於十鼓打擊課程教學歷程中能讓學生培養合作關係、尊重他人、勇於嘗試、主動學習等責任層級轉變。二、慈輝班學生於十鼓打擊課程教學歷程中使學生勇於接受挑戰、積極參與活動、能設定自我目標等行為知覺改變。三、研究者於十鼓打擊課程教學歷程中將不同教學方法和技能可幫助學生達成不同的責任感,進而促進學生責任層級之學習。此研究可提供體育教師實施 TPSRM 之建議。The moral education has become a significant issue of all levels of schools because of the trend of the domestic education reform. Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model (TPSRM) has been developed for improving adolescents’ responsibility and self-sfficacy through physical activities and/or through physical education. As the researcher myself as a physical education teacher, a substitute of Director of Student Affairs, and as a coach of Tsu-Hui Ten Drums Class, has to interact with misbehavior students, dropout students, and low achieving learning students. Based on the reasons, this research aimed to use Tsu-Hui Ten Drums Class as an example to fit into the model of TPSRM narrative approach. Through this model, to develop and raise personal and social responsibility levels of the students of Tsu-Hui Class. This research aimed to realize the Tsu- Hui Class students how to transform by using Ten-Drum Class of TPSRM. Furthermore, this study wanted to analysis how Ten-Drum Class able to bring the effect on the behavior of students. This research adopted narrative research, through Ten-Drum Class with TPSRM, eighteen-class video recorded observation, open-end interview, teachers’ journals, worksheets, other information collection, andanalyzed by content analysis. Results showed that 1)the learning attitude and responsibility levels toward Tsu-Hui Class students were changed; 2) the positive learning experience of Tsu-Hui Class students were increased; 3) the research learned to be more reflective about the teaching approach and ways to help students to achieve different level of responsibility. The findings of this study could provide physical education teachers some suggestions for imnplementing TPSRM.個人與社會責任模式慈輝班十鼓敘說探究TPSRMTsu-Hui classTen-Drumnarrative inquiry慈輝班十鼓打擊課程融入個人與社會責任模式之敘說探究Narrative Inquiry of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model-The Case of Tsu-Hui Ten-Drum Class