顏妙桂Yen, Miao-Kuei黃心怡Huang, Hsin-Yi2019-08-282019-08-012019-08-282019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0099073208%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88130本研究旨在探討某校自九年一貫以來學校本位課程的發展及其相關影響因素。本研究採質性研究進行,先邀請2位參與校本過程發展的教務行政人員進行前導訪談以瞭解校本課程發展的經過,再於正式研究時訪談3位社會科、綜合活動科參與校本課程發展的教師,最後透過訪談內容進行分析,本研究結論如下: 一、行政端專業課程領導及教師內在動機可促進某校校本課程發展。 二、教師專業、外在與內部資源提供及教師社群的互動可維持某校學校本位課程持續發展。 三、課程發展人員的異動、行政支援不足及學校氣氛的轉變皆會阻礙某校學校本位課程發展。 四、某校學校本位課程發展從教師意願為主逐漸轉型為以領域開課為原則。 本研究根據研究結果針對學校行政人員、教師及未來研究提出建議如下: 一、學校行政人員 (一)學校行政應激發教師內在動機引起其參與意願與責任感。 (二)學校行政應主動肯定教師付出以提升其成就感。 (三)學校行政應增加溝通管道促進行政與教師之間良性互動。 (四)學校行政應透過課程發展委員會將校本課程的發展制度化。 二、教師 (一)資深教師可透過經驗傳承延續課程價值與精神 (二)開課教師應組成教師社群與教師夥伴合作 (三)教師應實踐終身學習精神以累積自我能量 三、未來研究 (一)十二年國教推行後,校本課程的去留與發展值得做更深入的探討。 (二)研究範圍可以對於修課學生的看法進行探究或延伸至其他領域課程的發展進行比較。 The study explored the school-based curriculum development and related factors of the school since Grand 1-9 curriculum began. This study applied qualitative research, and the pilot study by interviewed 2 educational administrators for understanding the development of curriculums. However, during the research process, the researcher interviewed 3 teachers (teach social study and integrative activities learning area) who participated the curriculum development of the school. The results were as following: 1.The curriculum leader and the teachers’ intrinsic motivation would improve the school-based course development. 2.Teacher profession, teaching resource and interaction in teacher communities would keep the school-based curriculum developing constantly. 3.The personnel changes of curriculum developers, the lacking of administrative support and atmosphere of school would obstruct the development of school-based curriculum. 4.The development of school-based curriculum would be changed from the intentions in teaching to learning areas. The recommendations to educational administrators, teachers and future research would propose as following: 1.To school administrators (1)School administrators should inspire teachers intrinsic motivation to promote the responsibility of teachers and their intentions in teaching. (2)School administrators should award recognition on their own initiative to teachers and inspire teachers to enhance their sense of job accomplishment. (3)School administrators should enhance the opportunity to make a good communication with teachers. (4)Committee of Curriculum Development should work better helping school administrators and teachers to achieve the goals of the school-based curriculum development by systemizations. 2.To teachers (1)Expert teachers may pass the torch on to his successor to maintain the orientation and ideas of the curriculum. (2)Teachers should create professional learning communities to promote the cooperation with each other. (3)Teachers should cultivate lifelong learning attitude and being empowered themselves 3.To follow-up study (1)The effects and difficulties of the school-based curriculum in achieving 12-year Basic Education Core Competencies are worthy to be studied further in the future. (2)Further subjects such as (i) the perceptions of the students and (ii) comparing the differences in different learning areas etc. may be studied.學校本位課程學校本位課程發展school-based curriculumschool-based curriculum development國民中學學校本位課程發展與影響因素之研究-以某校社會及綜合領域課程為例A study on the development and influence factors of the school-based curriculum-An example of one junior high school