李志宏Li, Chi-Hung郭子瑄Kuo, Tzu-Hsuan2024-12-172024-02-052024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/e9383bf5d74aa0585c903e301c51c88a/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122695過去研究常將小說視為是「時間藝術」的載體,然而小說不僅只有時間的線性結構,還有文本空間、人物的活動空間與心理空間等空間結構。本文期望透過各式空間的梳理,了解寫作者如何運用各式空間去形塑文本結構、人物關係、家庭文化,和反映內在心理,將過去被忽略、誤讀的空間做重新的詮釋。本論文主要將《金瓶梅》分為「結構空間」、「現實空間」和「虛幻空間」三個部分做探討。《金瓶梅》作為典型的空間性文本,其敘事結構也呈現空間化的特性。「結構空間」一章主要立足在浦安迪(Andrew H. Plaks)「十個十回」的觀點,分析其對文本架構與形式。此外,筆者也根據敘事節奏、節日對文本空間密度的影響,將小說分為數個敘事單元。無論是外部結構的對稱,或是內部結構的起伏,透過對結構空間的分析,可更深入掌握文本寓意。《金瓶梅》的空間性也體現在廣大又細緻的現實空間。「現實空間」主要以西門府為主要研究對象,旁及妓院、西門慶偷情的「外宅」所構成的風月空間,以及玉皇廟、永福寺和報恩寺三座寺廟空間。家宅空間的擴張,與財產、人口同步增加,也是西門慶實力的見證,相較於禮制嚴格的後院,獨立的花園則上演了一場場財、色交易。圍繞在身邊的女性以「色」事人,從行為動機也可看出舊時代女性透過身體爭取更大的生存權利;寺院中宗教儀式隆重與否,也與西門府的家勢相互對應。看似背景化的空間描寫,府內與府外的空間實是一種意味深長的對比。最後主要關注小說「虛幻空間」中的奇異現象,即人物在睡夢或半夢半醒間,因精神意識的流動,突破了現實時間與空間的限制,產生幻境與夢境,使敘事空間得以擴展。「虛幻空間」也刻意模仿真實世界,凸顯人物複雜的內在情感,暗示後文命運,或作為現實世界的映襯與補償,形成小說情節的另一條暗線。Fictions were usually regarded as the carrier s of"the art of time." However, fictions are not only the linear structure of time, but also a spatial structure, including textual space, the spatiality of the characters’ activities, and psychology. This thesis aims to explore how the author utilized various spaces to portray textual structures, character relationships, family culture, and reflect inner psychology. Reinterpreting the spaces that have been neglected or misinterpreted in the past. The paper will divide Jing Ping Mei into three mainparts, "Structural Space," "Real Space," and "Imaginary Space" for further discussion. First of all, Jing Ping Mei as a typical spatial novel, its narrative structure also exhibits spatial characteristics. Based on Andrew H. Plaks' “Ten Chapters” perspective, the chapter of “Structural Space” provides a detailed examination on the text's structure and form. In addition, I will also divide the novel into several narrative units with the differences in narrative rhythm, festivals and the density of textual spaces. Whether it is external symmetries or the ups and downs in internal structure, through the analysis of structural space readers can have a more profound understanding of the text's meaning. Except for textual structure, I argue that the spatiality of Jing Ping Mei is also reflected in the vast but intricate real spaces. The chapter “Real Space” primarily focused on Ximen Mansion, including the spaces of the Jade Emperor Temple, Yongfu Temple, and Bao'en Temple, as well as the numerous brothels and mistress’ house mentioned in the streets. Firstly, the expansion of the home's space, in tandem with the increase in property and population, is a testament to Ximen Qing 'sstrength. Compared to a backyard with strict etiquette, several financial and sexual exchange happened in the garden. The women around Ximen Qing use"sex" as a means of dealing with others, and the motivation of their behavior also shows that women in the old days fought for a greater right to live through their bodies. Readers can see that the grandeur of religious ceremonies in the temples were, the wealthier the Ximen was, revealing that within seemingly background spatial descriptions, the spaces inside and outside the household are a profound and contrasting juxtaposition. The last chapter focuses on peculiar phenomena in the “Virtual Space” in Jing Ping Mei that characters experienced hallucinations and dreams while in a state of sleep or half-wakefulness. The flow of mental consciousness transcends the constraints of real time and space, allowing the narrative space to expand. The virtual space deliberately imitating the real world to highlight the complexity of characters' inner emotions, implying their destinies or as a reflection and compensation for the real world, forming another hidden line in the novel.金瓶梅詞話結構空間現實空間虛幻空間Jing Ping MeiStructural SpaceReal SpaceVirtual Space空間視域中的《金瓶梅》敘事研究An analysis on the narrative of Jing Ping Mei in Spatial Perspective學術論文