趙惠玲吳惠娟2020-12-102017-01-012020-12-102015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0896600014%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115603本研究之目的,在探究環境美學課程的發展與實施歷程,並自實施課程後評估課程之實施成效;再從課程規劃與實施的歷程中,檢視教師專業的實踐與轉化。 本研究以行動研究為取向,透過質性與量化的研究方法,自文獻探討中汲取環境美學之內涵概念,將理論轉化為可實行之課程,發展環境美學課程。以高雄市一所國小五年級一個班級為研究對象,就當地環境背景及環境議題、環境藝術及都會環境為教材內容,進行環境美學課程的規劃並進行教學研究。課程歷經前導研究,再進入正式研究階段,透過循環反思歷程來審度此課程。. 研究獲致以下結論,理論轉化為具體策略得以掌舵環境美學課程;環境美學課程可深構藝術學習的內涵;環境美學課程可培植土地的歸屬與環境美感認知;教師自此歷程中得以發展出謀劃課程及因應教學困境之能力。 最後,提出以下建議:課程實施宜循序漸進並持久進行,其成效便能顯著;課程實施宜集結其他領域教師參與;探求不同課程概念及理論取向之課程發現;納入不同學習階段的研究對象使教學應用更具系統;進行相同地域不同學校的課程實施之比較;探究影響學習表現的因素之研究。The objective of study was to investigate the design and implementation of the curriculum in the environmental aesthetics, and the effects of them are also be evaluated systematically. The development and transformation progress of pedagogical knowledge was analyzed and discussed from the curriculum implementation. The approach of this study was based on the action research. The qualitative and quantitative analysis methods were adapted to analyze and derive the internal concept by literature review. The conversion of theory to instructional strategies was appled to curriculum design, and which was benefical to the development of environmental aesthetics curriculum. A pedagogical praxis of the environmental aesthetics curriculum and instruction were in progress by an analysis on the students at a 5th grade class in the elementary school. The study results were shown that the theory of the environment aesthetics was transformed to the instructional strategies, and which was used to organized the environmental aesthetics curriculum effectivly. The instruction in the environmental aesthetics curriculum is helpful for constructing the intension of art education, as well as cultivating students to enhance the environmental aesthetic perception and the sense of belonging to the landscape. All of them would be benficial for teachers to develop abilities of constructing curriculum and solving the difficulties in their pedagogical praxis. The practice of the curriculum must be performed step by step and keep going until the visible results. The curriculum practice was also needed those teachers in the other field to involve , and which would enrich more extensive experience.環境美學環境藝術環境美學課程environmental aestheticsenvironmental artenvironmental aesthetic perception國小五年級環境美學課程之設計與實施An Action Research on the Design and Implementation of Environmental Aesthetics Curriculum in Elementary School in Taiwan