黃昭謀Chao-Mou Huang2019-08-122019-08-122015-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80569開放(政府)資料是近期重要的資訊政策之一,行政部門強調對資料的鬆綁近用,能夠創造極高的經濟產值。此一新自由主義觀點,重視國家整體財富累積,但從商品化推動,卻易產生「追求產值與經濟效益」、「球員兼裁判的操作方式」,以及「經濟成果會向下滲透」的迷思。本文透過文獻、網路資源等文本分析,爬梳臺灣官方推動歷程和探討商品化的困境,並建議開放(政府)資料不應以成為商品為首要或唯一考量,而需聚焦使用者需求與社會正義,並構築創新的文化與環境。Recently open (government) data is one of the important information policies. From the perspective of neoliberalism, public sector emphasized the accumulation wealth of nation can through data release and access. This view led open (government) data to the forms of commodification in pursuit of economic value and benefit, player-as-referee operational mode, and promoted trickle down of economic outcomes. This article combing the process of Taiwan official promote and dilemma of commodification by text analysis, suggested that open (government) data must focused on user requirements and social justice, constructed innovation culture and environment, but not priority to commodification.開放(政府)資料資訊政策新自由主義商品化Open (Government) DataInformation PolicyNeoliberalismCommodification新自由主義下開放(政府)資料與商品化的困境分析The Open (Government) Data of Neoliberalism Perspective and Dilemma of Commodification