梁桂嘉Liang, Kuei-Chia陳志成Chen,Chih-Cheng2019-09-052018-7-102019-09-052013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0000632104%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103106「影像」是一種提供我們人類觀看世界的最佳方法途徑之一,他比語言更快速簡單知道一件事情。而「虛」、「實」意象的概念也無時無刻隱身在我們的周遭,尤其是在一個全然充斥影像視覺與快速變遷的年代,深刻體會到觀點的重要,當停滯的觀念將不會有所成長。因為知識是累積的、專業領域本身是會演化的,惟有持續不斷試驗新構想並精益求精,盡可能收集所有需要的資訊,再與所得到的資料訊息做相互比較分析的練習。 本創作研究既以平面影像攝影之瞬間定格形式(具象)與抽象性(虛無)意象之間找尋其創作所衍生出來的元素與內容,透過相關文獻資料與所蒐集的案例作品認知,了解「虛」、「實」意象與影像之間的概念與關聯性後,提出微觀的動察與平時所隱藏的瞬間視覺感知之影像運作。藉由影像攝影在「虛」、「實」意象的一體兩面訊息裡,探討「時間與空間」與「真實與虛構」的決定性瞬間定格的兩大主軸作來創作「虛」、「實」相生互隨的內在「直觀」意想妙境並建構出一種交叉對話的創作實驗模式。 在影像創作過程中發現「虛」、「實」意象是很重要的概念,不僅可以傳渡影像之直觀意識和視知覺表徵的故事內容之外,更可廣泛應用在視覺創作或設計概念來強化作品的美感力度,甚至可以融入日常生活之觀念思維,增添創造力的能量與愉悅的“有意味的形式”視界觀妙境。Image is the most direct way for people to judge the world, and it is even faster than languages. The concepts of real and imaginary are around us all the time, especially in a world which is full of images and changes. Because the knowledge is cumulative and the professional fields are evolutionary, trying to test new concepts and gather all information to analyze is the best way to overcome the changing world. In this study, we are looking for elements and content from creations by using real and imaginary images. By analyzing related references and cases, we found the relation between reality, imagination and images, then, we proposed the cooperation between observation and instant visual images. We studied the “time and space” and “reality and imagination” by the reality and imagination in the photos. And using these two primary guidelines to create a cooperative creative method between reality and imagination. We found that reality and imagination are important concepts in the creations. They not only convey the story and phenomenon inside the pictures but can be utilized on visual creation and design concepts to reinforce the beauty of the works. Besides, they can integrate in our life, increase creative energy and happiness.虛實意象影像攝影交叉對話決定性瞬間定格直觀real and imaginary imagesphotographycommunicationdecisive freezeintuition虛實意象手法之影像創作研究Image Creation of Imaginary and Real Image Presentation