邱發忠陳學志林耀南涂莉苹Fa-Chung ChiuHsueh-Chih ChenYao-NanLinPriscilla L.-P. Tu2014-10-272014-10-272012-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/10991本研究目的在探究想像力的楷念。研究1由蒐集想像力的文獻,及詢問198 位大學生對想像力的定義來蒐集想像力的詞棠,並歸納出14 類的想像力詞棠,以為製「想像力概念評定作業」。之後,邀請8 位創造與想像力專家被要求以配對比較方式,對想像力詞彙進行相異性評定﹒經由多向度量尺分析發現,想像力包含「想像產生」、「超越現質」及「想像感受 」三個成份。研究2 要求參與者在進行想像作業時儘量以超越現質的標準來生產點子,而研究3 則要求參與者進行想像思考﹒結果發現,質驗二、三實徵支持了想像力定義,模式的超越現質與想像感受構念。本研究所得之想像力構念可引導未來想像力研究與實務。This study aimed to explore the constmct of imagination. In Experiment I, we collected the imagination-related phrases from the reldrted references, as well as 198 undergraduates' definitions of imaginataion. We classified the imagination-related phrases into 14 categories to establish “ Imagination Concept Evaluation Task (ICET)". In addition, Eight experts of imagination were asked to use paired comparison to evaluate the distinctions among the imagination-related phrases. Theresults of Multidimentional Scaling analysis show that imagination contains three components: imagination production, beyond reality, and imagination response. In Experiment 2, the partcipants were either required to apply the “ beyond reality" skill to create ideas. In Experiment, the participants were or required to perform imagination thinking. The results of Experiment 2 and 3 support that in the Model of Imagination Definition involves the constmcts of both beyond reality and imagination. The construct of imagination which we obtained from this study can be as used a guidance for the future studies and the practices regarding imagination超越現實想像力想像感受想像產生beyond realityimaginationimagination productionimagination sense想像力構念之初探The Exploratory Study on the Construct of Imagination