曾肅良Tseng, Su-Liang吳念凡Wu, Nien-Fan2020-12-10不公開2020-12-102010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095603306%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114955臺灣當代陶藝的發展,兼容著臺灣本島的土地資源與多元文化的技藝智慧。臺灣當代陶藝策展的脈絡,則面臨著維護傳統與拓展創意的抉擇。當代陶藝策展與一般視覺藝術類展覽有許多相異之處,其中最根本的分歧點,便是源自於人與陶藝媒材的淵源。揉合在陶瓷裡的印記,已不僅是個人成就的記錄,而是群體作為的凝聚。 本文所要探討的陶藝策展,著重於陶藝作品歸納展出的策略,以及展覽透過公私立藝文機構展示,所衍生的教育意涵與社會責任。當陶瓷藝術的發展已進入全民共賞的時代,藝文機構展覽便不應再滿足於一呼百應的與民同樂氛圍,或是執迷於應曲高和寡的自我主張。藝文機構如博物館,當然不能像一般居家廚房一樣,滿足於鍋碗瓢盆的排列組合,而如何利用陶藝本身賦有的魅力,再加上展覽的企畫能力,整合出讓大多數觀眾皆能產生體悟的展覽,也許正是陶藝策展該發展的終極目標之一。Contemporary Taiwanese ceramic art owes its development to natural resources available on the island as well as multi-disciplinary technical knowledge. When planning for exhibitions on contemporary Taiwanese ceramics, the curator needs to balance the preservation of artistic traditions with exploration of creative innovations. There are many differences between the preparations for exhibitions on contemporary ceramics and those for other visual arts. The most fundamental difference stems from the origins of humanity and the ceramic media. Ceramic art is not just about personal achievement but also about the consolidation of the group's actions. This paper discusses the curatorial practice for ceramics exhibitions with emphasis on educational and social responsibilities of the governmental or private organizers. As this is an era in which ceramic art engages all levels of the society, cultural organizations should not simply be satisified with the ordinary or the high-brow. The organizers serve as museums and should not be content with simply displaying plates and cups. The curator should take advantage of the instrinc appeal of ceramics to effectively plan for exhibitons that are comprehensible to the majority.陶藝展覽策展演進Ceramics Art ExhibitionsCurating History and Strategy臺灣當代陶藝策展演進之研究A Study of the Curating History and Strategy of Contemporary Ceramics Art Exhibitions in Taiwan