蔡虔祿Chien-Lu Tsai潘光敏Kuang-Ming Pan2019-09-052007-7-272019-09-052007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093043023%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105203本研究主要目的是比較八位大專男子甲組羽球選手的正拍與反拍網前撲球動作在運動學上的差異。利用Vicon動作系統擷取受試者的生物力學參數,透過SPSS 12.0版統計套裝軟體的魏可遜(Wilcoxon)配對符號等級檢定之無母數統計分析,進行正、反拍撲球動作的差異檢定,顯著水準定為α=.05。其結果發現:羽球正、反拍撲球擊球後羽球飛行的平均速度、飛行平均角度、擊球點垂直高度及動作時間皆沒有顯著差異。在擊球瞬間,反拍撲球的擊球點至重心之前後水平距離較正拍撲球大。擊球過程,正拍撲球的重心左右水平位移大於反拍撲球動作;而擊球時正拍撲球的重心左右水平速度顯著大於反拍撲球動作。擊球瞬間,持拍手上肢關節角度,正拍撲球的肩關節伸展角度明顯大於反拍撲球、正拍撲球的肩關節外展角度明顯大於反拍撲球,正拍撲球的腕關節內收角度明顯大於反拍撲球,可見選手在完成正拍撲球時要將上臂伸展得較多才能完成。從右上肢的關節角速度可以發現,正拍撲球主要是利用肩關節旋轉的作用,而反拍撲球則是運用腕關節的作用,以反拍撲球的擊球動作較符合動力鏈的理論。因此正、反拍的撲球動作,雖然在擊球的效果非常接近,但擊球所運用的策略並不相同。 關鍵詞:生物力學、羽球、正拍、反拍、撲球The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinematical variables of the badminton players when they were performing forehand and backhand net smashes. Eight collegiate elite male badminton players in Taiwan (age 20yrs, high 176cm, weight 71kg) were served as the subjects. In this study, we were interested in analyzing the motions from the phase of preparation while the center of gravity (COG) went down to the lowest position to the point of making contact with the shuttlecock. Ten Vicon MX-13+ cameras (Vicon, Oxford, UK, 250Hz) were used to record the 3D kinematics data and calculated by Vicon Nexus 1.1 system. The nonparametric statistical test of the Wilcoxon matched-paired signed-rank test between forehand and backhand net smashes for the differences in kinematics at a .05 significant level. The results showed that there were no significant differences between forehand and backhand net smashes in the initial shuttle velocity, the initial shuttle angle, the contact height and the movement duration time. The distance from the contact point to COG, the forehand net smash was greater than the distance of backhand in the lateral orientation, but the forehand net smash was less than backhand in saggital distance. The COG lateral moving velocity of the forehand net smash was greater than the velocity of backhand net smash. The dominate upper limb joint angle at the contact point, the forehand net smash was greater than the backhand’s in the extension and abduction shoulder angle. The forehand net smash was greater than the wrist adduction angle of backhand net smash. The player raised their upper arms to perform the forehand net smashes. From the results of the upper limb joint angular velocity, the subjects manipulate the shoulder rotation to perform the forehand net smash, but they exert the wrist joint to perform the backhand net smash. The backhand net smash seemed more relate with the kinetics chain rule. The movement performance effect was very similar between forehand and backhand net smashes, but the strategy of the forehand and backhand net smash movement was different. Key words:Biomechanics, Badminton, Forehand, Backhand, Net Smash生物力學羽球正拍反拍撲球BiomechanicsBadmintonForehandBackhandNet Smash臺灣甲組羽球選手正拍與反拍撲球動作之生物力學分析Biomechanical analysis of badminton forehand and backhand net smash strokes in Taiwan badminton players