黃啟祐Huang, Chi-Yo朱廷霖Chu, Ting-Lin2019-09-04不公開2019-09-042010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097702310%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98778 3G無線通信協定為一可以同時傳輸語音和資料封包,包括影像,圖片以及網際網路之協定,也已經成為電信系統的主流。在全球主要國家中,包括美國、日本、加拿大等3G用戶數已經超過2G的用戶數,此外,全球3G用戶數量預計在2011年將會超過 2G用戶。簡訊服務是一個重要的3G電信服務。在2007年全世界發出了大約1.9萬億封簡訊,電信運營商收入約520億美元。鑑於簡訊用戶市場正在蓬勃發展迅速,電信服務供應商需要建立新的簡訊中心(SMSC)和收費系統,提供對預付卡用戶的支援,消除計費欺詐,提高網路和設備的頻寬,並增加創新的簡訊服務。適當的簡訊中心設備可以幫助3G服務供應商降低運營成本,提高用戶平均貢獻值和提升的通訊網路的品質,對3G服務的成功不可或缺,故評價和選擇簡訊中心的設備是不可少的。儘管簡訊中心如此重要,3G服務供應商的經理人僅依據主觀討論的結果選擇設備,缺乏客觀且量化的方法。所以在現實生活中,需要完善的決策分析架構以探索3G服務供應商的需求,以評估和選擇適當的簡訊中心設備。因此,本研究旨在透過需求工程(RE)的概念,從發現問題的過程、記錄需求和管理需求來架構簡訊系統需求要素,並以一個基於需求工程的混合式多準則決策平台架構,評估和選擇簡訊中心設備。本研究中最初將由服務創新、供應商選擇問題以及需求工程之相關文獻進行探討,並進而介紹3G分頻多工無線通訊協定、簡訊、簡訊中心,以基於需求工程的腦力激盪法取得簡訊中心設備的系統需求要素以及供應商的關鍵能力要素。建立多準則決策架構後以決策實驗室分析法(DEMATEL)建立的決策架構圖,接著用分析網路流程法(ANP)的求出簡訊中心設備要素的權重。最後採用可以產生最佳妥協解的VIKOR 法,對於各家簡訊中心設備的廠商進行評估和排序。實證研究將以某3G電信服務供應商評估簡訊中心設備的案例得到確認本研究方法的可行性。本研究主要的問題,如何選擇合適的簡訊中心設備在此得到解決方法。與此同時,本研究的研究方法架構也可應用於解決類似的設備採購決策問題。最後,未來可以根據本研究方法結果加強3G服務供應商的創新簡訊服務策略。 The 3G protocol, the wireless communication protocol which can transmit both voice and digital data including video, image as well as internet protocols, has already become the standard of mainstream mobile telecommunication systems and dominated the market. 3G subscribers have already surpassed 2G in major economies including the U.S., Japan, etc. Further, the number of global 3G subscribers is expected to surpass the number of 2G subscribers in 2011. SMS (Short Message Service) is one of the most important 3G mobile telecommunication services. Around 1.9 trillion text messages were sent in 2007, generating about USD 52 billion revenues for mobile operators. Given the fact that the SMS user market is booming rapidly, telecommunication service providers need to set up SMS Centers (SMSC) for charging systems, prepaid subscribers, eliminating billing frauds, performance of network and innovation SMS service. Appropriate SMSC equipments can assist 3G service providers in reducing operation costs, improving ARPU (Average Revenue per User) contributions and enhancing quality of communication network. Apparently, SMSC equipments evaluation and selection are essential for 3G service success. Albeit important, management of 3G service providers usually made equipment selection decisions based on intuitive discussions that are not subjective. In the real world, various aspects consisting of criteria regarding the service providers’ needs should be considered and evaluated while selecting appropriate SMSC equipments. Thus, this research aims to introduce the concept of Requirement Engineering (RE), the process of discovering, documenting and managing the requirements for deriving a set of system requirements, and define a RE based Hybrid MCDM framework for SMSC equipment evaluations and selections. At first, the SMS, SMSC, evaluation criteria of SMSC equipments, vendor selection problem (VSP), and requirements engineering (RE) related literature will be reviewed. Then, the brainstorming based RE method will first be used to derive criteria for evaluating vendor’s critical capability. A multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) framework consisting of the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) as the tool for configuring the decision problem structure, the analytic network process (ANP) will be introduced for deriving weights versus each criterion for evaluating possible SMSC equipments (alternatives). Finally, the VIKOR will be introduced for ranking the alternatives. An empirical study being modified from a Taiwanese 3G service provider’s evaluation of SMSC equipments will be provided for verifying the feasibility of the proposed method. The most critical issues for selecting appropriate SMSC equipment will expect to be derived. Meanwhile, the proposed framework can be applied in like applications in the future. Finally, strategies for enhancing the service innovation of the selected vendor will be propose.供應商選擇問題簡訊中心多準則決策決策實驗室分析法分析網路流程法VIKOR需求工程Vendor Selection Problem (VSP)Short Message Service Center (SMSC)Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL)Analytic Network Process (ANP)VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR)Requirements Engineering基於需求工程之混合多準則決策架構評估分頻多工簡訊中心設備為例A Requirement Engineering Based Hybrid MCDM Model for Evaluating CDMA SMSC Equipments