許義雄郭丁熒Hsu, I-HsiungGuo, Ding-Ying歐宗明Ou, Tzong-Ming2019-09-052007-2-132019-09-052007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0889040011%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105887本研究採歷史社會學研究進路,以文獻分析、口述歷史、比較等分法,從歷史進程,探索1895年至2005年,臺灣小學教師/教練角色之形塑過程,並分析此項形塑過程背後的驅力。經考察及分析後,本研究歸納出下列的結論。 日治殖民時期,臺灣的學校體育與現代運動順著「文明開化」的殖民政策進入臺灣,使得小學教師/教練角色雛形的曾短暫乍現,其後在戰爭中殞沒了。威權體制時期,國民黨政府為了維繫政權,相對忽略體育和運動領域,小學也受升學魔咒緊箍,小學教師/教練角色雖在此時萌芽和確立,但大多是在有強力外部情境支持下產生的。臺美斷交後,國民黨政府執政正當性受質疑,國際外交亦受中國排擠,將運動用來當作是內聚民心、外拓外交的工具,在國家機器強力介入運作下,小學教師/教練角色的形塑受到強化,但過度對勝利的渴求,使角色產生質變,喪失原本應具有的教育目的。臺灣解嚴後,社會多元發展,小學體育回歸教育系統,小學教師/教練的角色內涵,轉為著重學生運動參與、才藝習得及經驗拓展上,在角色形塑的驅力上,教師個人也展現了較高的主體能動性。 在形塑驅力上,可從體育運動領域、國家社會氛圍、小學組織文化,及教師個人施為等層面,分析出十二種小學教師/教練角色形塑的正向驅力,及十二種反向驅力。並發現建構具實質教育目的之小學教師/教練角色,是一條解決教師/教練雙重角色衝突的可行之路。The method of this study uses the research approach of historical sociology. The study analyzed the evolution of the role shaping of elementary school teacher/coach in Taiwan from 1895 to 2005. The study tried to describe the process of the role shaping and analyzed the drive power of the role shaping. The conclusions were as following: In the Japanese Colonial period, the teacher/coach role had emerged by the building of modern school education system and the diffusion of modern sport. But, it was disappeared from the war. When the KMT governed Taiwan after World War II, the teacher/coach role had be emerged again and confirmed. In the “Little League Baseball World Champion” period, the teacher/coach role in elementary school was promoted by government and the people in Taiwan. But the more victory was thirsty, the quality of the teacher/coach role was worse. In the open society of Taiwan, the sport competition between elementary schools came back to education system, and the teacher/coach role increasingly had educational duty. There are twelve kind of positive and negative drive power in the four dimension: the field of physical education and sport evolution, the context of society and state, the organizational culture of the elementary school, and the action of teacher. And the suggestion was proposed: the shaping the teacher/coach role with real educational purposes.教師/教練角色形塑小學教師歷史社會學雙重角色teacher/coachrole shapingelementary school teacherhistorical sociologydual role臺灣小學教師/教練角色之形塑一歷史社會學的分析The role shaping of teacher/coach of elementary school in Taiwan: An analysis of historical sociology