國立臺灣師範大學翻譯研究所汝明麗2015-07-032015-07-032011-10-012070-9668http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73843二十世紀後植基於建構論的教學觀對於傳統教學造成極大衝擊,除了對知識的定義與知識建構的過程提出與行為主義迥異的見解外,也改變了教師與學習者之間的關係,讓學習的主導權逐漸偏向學習者,而非由教師提供單向指導。在翻譯教學方面,不論是筆譯或口譯教師,均已注意到這股風潮,並將此等教學觀引入翻譯教學。本文參考國內外翻譯學者對建構式教學觀與奠基於建構論的情境學習理論之理解與應用,從實務教學層次探討根據此等理論可以如何應用於口譯課程之教授,並以筆者於大學部開設之中譯英逐步口譯課程為例,具體說明這些教學法的實施技巧與成 效,期能提供國內口譯教師在開設譯入個人與學生外語之口譯課時的參考。Since the second half of the twentieth century, methods of instruction with a focus on constructivism and the situated learning theory have made an enormous impact on traditional didactic education. The definition of knowledge and the understanding of the knowledge-construction process have thus been transformed, bringing about changes in the teacher-student relationship wherein the student plays the role of an autonomous and independent learner rather than a bassive recipient of knowledge transmitted from the teacher. The field of translation teaching has also witnessed an increased prevalence of this constructivist approach. redicated on an analysis of the conceptions and principles of constructivism-based situated learning, the study proposes a specific course design to illustrate how these ideas can be integrated in the teaching of consecutive interpretation at the undergraduate level. students’ responses to the questionnaire distributed at the end of the semester and the instructor’s observations and self-reflections towards the process are presented as data sources.建構論情境學習逐步口譯ConstructivismSituated learningConsecutive interpretation建構論教學觀之下的情境學習理論於大學中譯英口譯課程的實踐Teaching Consecutive Interpretation at the Undergraduate Level with a Focus on Constructivism-based Situated Learning�