國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所謝易耿邱銘心2015-07-032015-07-032011-11-011023-2125http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73561近年來,國內在文化遺產數位化以及應用推廣上不遺餘力,歷經前後十餘年的努力耕耘,其累計的豐富典藏與學習資源難以計數。然而帶動這項作業的數位典藏與數位學習國家型計畫即將在2012年落幕,永續經營的議題亦隨之而起,如何在計畫結束之後永續營運,成為一個重要的課題。但綜觀國內相關文獻,對於此議題著墨不深,故本研究以此為題,並以數位內容公開徵選計畫為研究場域,深度訪談11名計畫主持人,期望能夠了解目前國內數位典藏計畫永續經營的策略規劃方向以及發展現況。In Taiwan, resources and endeavors have been invested in the digitalization, application, and promotion of cultural heritage in recent years, which have contributed to rich accumulations of digital collections. With the forthcoming termination of the Taiwan E-Learning and Digital Archives Program (TELDAP) in 2012, a project at national level that has initiated and guided the trend of archives digitalization, the issue of sustainability gradually plays a critical role in digital collection. To more fully explore the current status, strategy, and orientation of sustainable management of digital collection in Taiwan, this study conducted interviews with 11 project directors, whose projects have been selected from the Public Digital Archives Request.數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫數位典藏公開徵選計畫永續經營Taiwan e-learning and digital archives programDigital collectionPublic digital archives requestDigital sustainability臺灣數位典藏計畫之永續經營現況與策略方向探索The Current Status, Strategy, and Orientation of Sustainable Management of Digital Collection in Taiwan以數位典藏公開徵選計畫為例A Case Study of Projects Selected from Public Digital Archives Request