沈永正Shen, Yung-Cheng傅念族Fu, Nian Zu2023-12-082028-07-262023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/94cf013583d4cf495de071406faacb47/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120074隨著網際網路的成熟發展,創作各式各樣的內容讓大眾看見已不是難事。創作者如何讓自己的作品在大量的內容裡面脫穎而出,使自己與其他人展現差異化,這樣個人品牌塑造概念在近日逐漸被大眾重視。已有學者針對個人品牌的塑造與管理策略進行研究,內容多是如何透過社交媒體來提升影響力,而社交媒體平台多為 Facebook 和 Instagram。因此本研究將針對較少人研究,但有許多創作者發表內容性創作的 YouTube平台進行近一步探討,並且以尚未被研究的嘲諷(Sarcasm)類型影片創作者 (YouTuber) 為探討對象。透過網路便利抽樣搜集樣本,再經過探索性因素分析以及 PLS 分析,研究結果顯示觀眾在觀看完嘲諷型影片,將產生心流、情緒借位以及認同感的情感反應。在這一連串的情感反應之後,觀眾將對該 YouTuber 個人品牌產生情感聯繫,並可能有向他人推薦、分享該 YouTuber 的頻道。With the mature development of the Internet, it has become easier for creators to showcase their various content to the public. How can creators make their works stand out among a large volume of content and differentiate themselves from others? This concept of personal branding has gradually gained importance among the masses. Scholars have conducted research on personal branding strategies and management, mostly focusing on how to enhance influence through social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. However, there is less research on the YouTube platform, which is popular among content creators, particularly in the context of content-driven sarcastic videos. Therefore, this study aims to explore this relatively less studied area and investigate YouTubers who create sarcastic videos as the subject of analysis. Through convenient online sampling, data will be collected, and exploratory factor analysis and PLS analysis will be conducted. The research findings indicate that viewers, after watching sarcastic videos, experience emotional responses such as flow, parasocial interaction, and identification. Following this series of emotional responses, viewers establish an emotional connection with the YouTuber's personal brand, which may lead to recommendations and sharing of the YouTuber's channel with others.諷刺敘事傳輸心流個人品牌塑造SarcasmNarrative transportationFlowPersonal branding個人品牌塑造:YouTuber 影片風格對創作者個人品牌塑造影響Personal Branding: The Impact of YouTuber Video Styles on the Development of Personal Brandsetd