吳美美Mei-Mei Wu郭儒修Ju-Hsiu Kuo2019-08-282014-03-032019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060015020E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89182近年來我國研究生人數明顯有逐年成長趨勢,但國內對於研究生的知識與技能培養的相關研究甚少,且對於研究準備度的概念以及內涵也不明確,因此本研究旨在探究碩士研究生之準備度內涵為何,透過釐清研究準備度的內涵,描繪一個適用碩士研究生教育的研究準備度概念架構,同時發展碩士研究生研究準備度評量,幫助學生了解自我研究能力如何,期望激發其學習動機,以增進自我研究準備度,也可提供學術圖書館與教學單位發展研究教學指導課程內容之參考。 本研究屬混合式研究,採先質後量的序列混合設計方法。質性取向研究方法為內容分析法,透過研究法課程教學大綱的內容分析探究研究準備度內涵,並且根據質性研究的結果來進行研究準備度評量編製,量化取向研究方法採調查法,針對本研究選取之社會學科碩士學生樣本進行線上測驗,蒐集測驗資料進行評量難易度、鑑別度與信效度分析,以檢驗研究準備度評量之適切性。 根據本研究質性分析歸納結果,研究準備度內涵可歸納為「研究基本概念」、「文獻回顧」、「實徵資料蒐集」、「實徵資料分析」與「報告撰寫」五大項目,其中涵蓋基礎資訊素養能力與研究專業知識技能,基礎資訊素養能力部分,根據ACRL提出之高等資訊素養能力指標,包含「資訊需求的釐清與辨識能力」、「資訊獲取能力」、「資訊分析評估與內化能力」、「資訊利用能力」與「資訊倫理能力」共五項能力項目;進階的研究專業知識技能根據本研究進行研究法課程教學大綱分析結果,歸納包含「方法論與研究取向」、「測量、樣本與信效度」、「研究倫理」、「研究意識與研究問題」、「學術文獻蒐集與評析」、「取樣方法」、「資料蒐集方法」、「質性資料分析方法」、「量化資料分析方法」、「混合式資料分析方法」、「書寫格式與技巧」以及「報告與討論」,共十二項研究應備之專業研究能力項目。 根據本研究量化分析檢測結果,發現本研究發展之研究準備度評量,整體而言難易度適中、鑑別度量達優良標準,且具有一定信度與效度,是適用於本研究所取樣之社會學科範疇的碩士研究生使用的研究準備度評量。雖然受研究範疇與限制的影響,未能進行較大規模的題庫建立和測驗實施活動,是否適用於大範圍之社會學科碩士研究生使用的部分仍有待後續研究發展的考驗。但是根據本研究的結果與發現,可作為未來後續的研究準備度相關評量工具發展之參考。In recent years, the number of graduate students has remarkably increased in Taiwan; however, the issues concerning the research expertise and readiness of students remain unexplored. In this thesis, we investigate these topics by means of reconceptualizing the connotation of research readiness, thereby establish a suitable concept of research readiness for graduate students, and develop the research readiness assessment. These tools may motivate the graduate students, and help them to realize their capability in researching, which can improve the research readiness of the graduate students. Furthermore, it also offers a guideline for developing the classroom instruction by the academic library and teaching departments. This study used the mixed-method: The qualitative and quantitative analyses. In qualitative approach, the syllabus is implemented to investigate the connotation of research readiness, and to develop the assessment tools based on the obtained results. And then, in quantitative approach, the item, reliability as well as validity analysis are used to analyze the data gathering from questionnaire to examine the quality of research readiness assessment of the graduate students in College of Social Sciences. Based on the results of qualitative analysis, the connotations of research readiness can be summarized into five major categories: the research basics conception, literature review, empirical data collection, empirical data analysis, and report writing. These aspects full cover the capability of information literacy and research expertise of the graduate students. According to the results of quantitative analysis, the research readiness assessment has the good credibility and validity that can promote the graduate students to realize their research readiness. The contributions of this study are two. Firstly, a theoretical contribution in that conceptual framework of research readiness. Secondly, a research readiness assessment tool has been developed. Although the study is limited by number of samples in population, these findings offer a reference for the sequential research with respect to the research readiness and assessment tools.研究素養研究準備度研究準備度評量research literacyresearch readinessresearch readiness assessment我國社會學科碩士研究生之研究準備度 評量發展研究A study of the development of research readiness assessment for graduate students in Social Sciences