張少熙Shao-Hsi Chang周鉑桐Bo-Ton Chou2019-09-052013-7-162019-09-052008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0094132109%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107460本研究之目的為瞭解2003年禽流感發生後,臺北市羽球市場之現況,並探討羽球消費者行為及對其分群,以利不同市場區隔之消費者進行目標行銷,進而探討人口變項在各市場區隔及各市場區隔在消費者行為之差異情形。研究對象為臺北市616位羽球消費者。研究工具為改編「臺北市羽球消費者行為問卷」。研究獲得資料分別以敘述統計、因素分析、集群分析、區別分析、複選題分析、獨立樣本 t 考驗及卡方檢定進行資料處理。分析結果如下: 一、臺北市羽球市場可區隔為二種不同消費特性的集群:分別是外觀型、實用型。 二、人口統計變項在各市場區隔之差異:運動場地、每月可支配所得、球齡、運動次數在不同市場區隔的羽球消費者有差異情形。 三、各市場區隔於消費者行為之差異:不同市場區隔的羽球消費者在消費者行為的購買地點、變快換球之消費行為、變慢換球之消費行為、晃動換球之消費行、購後失調時將球留為練習用、舊球丟棄處置、舊球練習用處置、滿意度及再購相同品牌可能性有差異情形。 本研究根據結果進行討論,並提出研究結果的應用,最後對未來研究的方向及羽球業者和消費者提出建議。The purpose of this study was to understand the situation of shuttle market in Taipei after Bird Flu rose in 2003, and investigate the marketing segmentation by categorizing shuttle consumers based on their different consumption behaviors. The study also compared and analyzed the differences of demographic variables and consumption behaviors by different market segments. A total of 616 valid questionnaires were obtained. “The Questionnaire of Purchase Behavior of Badminton Consumer in Taipei” was revised and adopted to this study. Descriptive statistic, factor analysis, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, multiple response, independent t-test, and chi-square test were utilized for data analyses. The results were as follows: 1. The study results indicated that the shuttle market were segmentalized to two categories of consuming characteristics: appearance-focused group and function-focused group. 2. The demographic variables revealed some significant differences on playing fields, monthly disposable expenses, length of playing time, and playing frequency. 3. The shuttle consumer behaviors of different segmentations showed remarkable difference on “purchasing place,” “change the shuttles when the speed goes up,” “change the shuttles when the speed slows down,” “change the shuttles when the shuttles shake,” “leave the shuttles for practice when there is a post-purchase dissonance,” “abandon the used shuttles,” “dispose of the used shuttles for practice,” and “satisfaction and repurchase the same brands.” Based on the results of the study, applications were discussed and suggestions were made for future studies on shuttle business and consumers.羽球產品屬性市場區隔消費者行為badminton shuttlesproduct attributesmarket segmentationconsumer behavior臺北市羽球消費者行為之研究A Study of Behavior of Badminton Shuttles in Taipei