王秀禾孫嘉玲陳美慧洪兆嘉周培萱賴玉敏林育興陳櫂豐Hsiu-Ho Wang, Jia-Ling Sun, Mei-Hui Chen, Chao-Chia Hung, Pei-Hsuan Chou, Yu-Ming Lai, Yu-Hsing Lin, Zhao-Feng Chen2016-04-282016-04-282015-08-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/77924近10 年來客觀性結構式臨床測驗已成為全球各地醫護教育訓練的一部份。目前臺灣的OSCE 應用仍以醫學教育為主,而臺灣護理教育擬將OSCE 列入未來護理師考試之一部分。本研究之目的為發展一個客觀性結構式臨床測驗(OSCE)課程於大學護理系,並探討其課程實施成效。課程發展過程採專家建議之步驟,進行OSCE 課程規劃、OSCE 課程準備,透過焦點團體方式發展護理系OSCE 藍圖及討論OSCE 教案內容,OSCE 教案採專家內容效度審查。研究結果發展出OSCE 藍圖、OSCE 六個課程、OSCE 教案之標準病人影片、考官訓練及標準病人訓練等;並進行OSCE 考試,在胰島素注射及注射前後評估與衛教,課程整體滿意度總平均為3.54,學生考試平均分數為85 分;產後評估及尖峰呼氣流速計的使用課程整體滿意度總平均為4.25,產後評估學生考試平均分數為92 分,尖峰呼氣流速計平均分數為90 分。本研究結果可作為各校護理科系發展與推動OSCE 之參考。Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) has become a part of global health care education and training for the past 10 years. OSCE applications are currently in medical education on Taiwan. OSCE maybe included a part of the future of nursing licensure examination. The purposes of this study were to develop a curriculum for nursing and to evaluate the outcome of the OSCE training program. Curriculum development using expert recommendation, include OSCE curriculum planning, OSCE preparation course. Development OSCE blueprint and discuss OSCE course content through focus groups. OSCE curriculum was reviewed by the expert validity. Result showed developing an OSCE blueprint, OSCE six courses, OSCE standards patient teaching videos, examiner training and standardized patient training. About OSCE examinations, the curriculum of insulin injections and assessment on satisfaction, the average scale of OSCE satisfaction was 3.54, and the students had an eighty-five average. The curriculum of postpartum assessment and peak expiratory flow meter, the average scale of satisfaction was 4.25, and the students had 92 average on postpartum assessment and 90 average on peak expiratory flow meter. It is expected that these results can offer references of nursing development and promote OSCE.客觀性結構式臨床測驗課程發展objective structured clinical examinationcurriculumdevelopment客觀性結構式臨床測驗(OSCE)應用於護理系課程之成效The Effectiveness of an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Training Program in Nursing