周中天博士Dr. Chung-tien Chou趙恬綺Emily Tien-chi Chao2019-09-032005-07-182019-09-032005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0068921015%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97289摘要 本論文旨在探討「網路同儕互評活動」對降低高中生寫作焦慮的效益如何。研究問題的重點如下:(1)受試者在活動實施後寫作焦慮的變化如何;(2)他們對本活動的反應如何。 本研究採用質化和量化並行的方式來分析資料,受試者是來自台北市立西松高中七十六位高一的學生,在實驗三個月期間,每個人必須繳交三篇英文寫作,並將作品張貼在校內的網路討論區當中,並給予彼此評論與意見。本研究採用學者Daly及Miller所編製的焦慮問卷(WAT)及研究者自編的態度問卷,來蒐集資料。焦慮問卷在實驗前後各實施一次,作為前後測,以比較實驗前後受試者的寫作焦慮指數是否呈現顯著差異;而態度問卷則是在實驗後實施,以探究學生對此同儕互評活動的反應及意見。 結果顯示本活動的確對降低寫作焦慮有所助益。具體說來,特別是對降低學生「抗拒寫作」及「害怕被評論」而產生的焦慮有所助益,而對於提高學生的「自信心」則沒有幫助;關於對此活動的回饋,正面的反應包括對英語學習、同儕互動及網路環境等好評,負面的則包括太花時間及對同儕專業能力的懷疑等。 大致而言,本研究顯示網路同儕互評活動對降低高中生寫作焦慮的效益是正面的,但是當教師採用此方法於寫作教學時,務必要視學生程度給予即時且充分的支持,以發揮最大效益。ABSTRACT The study was designed to investigate the effects of web-based peer assessment activity on lowering senior high students’ writing apprehension. The focuses of research questions were: (1) the variation of participants’ writing apprehension after the treatment, and (2) their responses to the activity. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used to analyze the data. Seventy-six first-grade students in Xisong Senior High School participated in this study. They were assigned to finish three writing pieces and posted them on the discussion board. After reading peers’ assessment or reviews, they needed to hand in the revised ones. The study employed Daly-Miller Writing Apprehension Test (WAT) and response questionnaire to collect and analyze data. The former was used as the pre-test and post-test to detect whether any significant differences occurred in their writing apprehension. The latter was used to investigate their responses to the activity. The results showed that the activity worked well to decrease students’ writing apprehension. Specifically speaking, it showed significant differences in terms of students’ aversive attitude to writing and their anxiety of being evaluated, but it didn’t work to raise their self-confidence. As for their responses, some gave positive feedbacks with regard to English learning, peer interaction, and web-based environment. Some complained about the time consumption and peers’ lack of professional ability. To sum up, the study reveals the effects of implementing web-based peer assessment to lower writing apprehension are generally positive. However, it is recommended that the teachers need to offer immediate and abundant support if they want to integrate it into writing instruction.同儕互評網路同儕互評合作學習寫作焦慮peer assessmentweb-based peer assessmentcooperative learningwriting apprehension網路同儕互評活動降低高中生寫作焦慮之效益研究The Effects of Web-based Peer Assessment on Lowering Senior High Students' Writing Apprehension