周儒Chou, Ju李岱倫Li, Tai-Lun2019-09-052015-08-122019-09-052015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060146018S%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103558本研究旨在探索我國童軍運動推行環境教育的現況與推行過程當中所遭遇之困難,以及未來發展環境教育的需求,採用訪談與文獻建構研究工具,利用問卷調查方法蒐集資料,發放網路問卷160份與紙本問卷102份。回收了網路問卷154份與紙本問卷98份,總共252份問卷,其中重複填答或空白等無效問卷共計8份,扣除之後的有效問卷為244份,問卷的有效回收率為93%。 研究中重要結論如下: 一、 我國童軍運動發展環境教育之現況:童軍團達成環境教育目的的知識層面程度最高,但解決環境問題的技能較為薄弱;童軍團活動經常選擇的環境相關主題是水資源、廢棄物處理、生物多樣性與健康促進。 二、 我國童軍對環境教育的困難與限制:童軍團長在觀念上的障礙較小,但環境教育觀念模糊;後勤障礙排序依次為缺乏專業人才、經費不足、缺乏適合的場地與設施以及缺乏合適的教材;教育的障礙中排序第一為缺乏專業成長機會,其次為自我環境知識不足;態度的障礙小整體態度傾向正向。 三、 我國童軍環境教育未來發展需求:童軍團長認為環境教育課程教材為最需要,其次為專業成長增能機會,需求第三順位為環境教育相關資訊;而環境教育專業成長課程方面,排序依次為:環境教育教學方法與教材設計、環境教育方案規劃、自然環境資源相關背景知識。 本研究並依上述結論針對中華民國童軍總會、地方童軍團長與後續研究者提出各項建議。The purpose of this study is exploring the status and the difficulty of Taiwan scouting promoting environmental education, and the needs for Taiwan scouting developing environmental education. This study use interviews and literature to construct the research tools, and collect data by questionnaire survey. There were 252 scoutmasters responded the questionnaire, and 244 were data sample. The effective response rate is 93%. The important results in this study are: 1. In the environmental education objective Taiwan scouting reached, the level of achievement on environmental knowledge is highest, and the skill to solve environmental problems is lowest. The environmental topics that Scouting activities are often selected are water resources, waste management, biodiversity and health promotion. 2. The scoutmasters have less conceptual barriers about environmental education, but have vague notion of environmental education. Logistical barriers sequentially are a lack of the sort of professionals, inadequate funding, lack of suitable space and facilities, and the lack of suitable materials. Educational barriers sequentially are a lack of professional growth opportunities and a lack of environmental knowledge. Attitudinal barriers are low. 3. Scoutmasters considers that environmental education curriculum materials for most needs, followed by energizing opportunities for professional growth, the third overall demand for environmental education-related information. The needs of environmental education professional growth courses sequentially are environmental education teaching methods and materials design, environmental education program planning, and the knowledge about natural resource and environment. Based on the results of this study, the researcher provides some recommendations for Taiwan scouting to promote environmental education.環境教育童軍團需求Environmental educationScout TroopNeeds探索臺灣童軍團推動環境教育現況、障礙及未來發展需求Exploring the Status, Barrier and Developing Needs of Taiwan Scout Troop on Promoting Environmental Education