趙惠玲CHAO,HUI-LING賴冠如LAI, KUAN- JU2020-12-102019-2-252020-12-102014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698600046%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115484藝術教育的本質在引導人綜合運用認知與感受去觀看世界,並表現對人事物的理解與詮釋。然而,台灣藝術教育在升學主義掛帥之下長期不受重視,視覺藝術教師無法專才專用,使得級任教師使用材料包進行視覺藝術課程教學。本研究主旨在探討國小級任教師以材料包進行視覺藝術教學之個案研究,記錄不同背景教師的課前準備、教學方法、教學活動、教材使用方式等。本研究採「參與觀察法」、「半結構式訪談法」、「焦點團體訪談法」,以彰化縣某國民小學三年級,二個班級,學生53人為觀察對象,研究者作為一個完全觀察者,不參與任何教學過程,只以旁觀者角色,實地觀察課程以配合該校課程規劃為主要範疇,詳細記錄同樣課程單元中,每班教學課程設計、師生互動、教學過程、教材使用等。觀察結束後,再針對教師進行半結構深入訪談與學生焦點團體訪談,以求更深入了解教師和學生對視覺藝術課堂中使用材料包之接受程度與看法,提供反省思考的機會,也提供未來改進之參考。經質化分析後,本研究獲至以下結論: 一、國民小學視覺藝術教師多以級任教師取代,教師養成背景皆無視覺藝術相關,且缺乏參與視覺藝術相關進修。 二、國民小學視覺藝術課程實施在教師缺乏視覺藝術專業知能之下,缺乏課程設計,多以材料包取代自編課程,課程內容難以突破手操為主。 三、國民小學視覺藝術課程實施依賴材料包為主,教師在缺乏視覺藝術專業知能之下,導致教師備課不足、依樣畫葫蘆的材料包教學活動和放任式的創作活 動。 四、國民小學視覺藝術課程多以級任教師實施,不論課前準備、課程規劃和課程實施皆依賴材料包為主,導致課程內容重複且一致性高、阻礙學生創造力發 展和教師視覺藝術專業知能不足,進而影響教師教學成效與學生學習成效,並使學校藝術教育缺乏實施效能。 關鍵詞:藝術教育、視覺藝術課程、材料包The art education is aimed to guide people using their cognition and feeling to see the world from combined perspectives, at the same time expressing the understanding and explanation of everything. On the other hand, art education in Taiwan have been neglected for a long time due to the higher priority to obtain tertiary education. This led to a phenomenon that art teachers are unavailable to perform specifically, at the same time indirectly encouraging the use of Material kit package in art courses. The research mainly probes the use of material kit package in visual art course in elementary school. We record the teaching preparation, skills, activities, the use assistant tools of teachers from different background. In the research, we use participant observation, semi structured interview, focus group, taking 53 students in two third grade classes in Chang-hua. The researcher acts as an observer, not participating in teaching, and records each class’s teaching design, interaction between teachers and students, teaching process and the use of tools in the same subject. After the observation, we have a semi structured interview toward the teachers and focus group to students in order to understand how’s their opinion and reacceptance of the use of material kit package in visual art classes which helps us think twice and make the class better. After qualitative research, we have this result: 1. First, teachers who are in charge of the visual art courses in elementary schools are almost replaced by class tutors. Because of the crush of teachers' training, the resource of teachers isn’t sole anymore which can't really reach the specificity. 2. Second, classes without teachers who graduated with degree of visual art might not have good course structure. Most of the teaching materials are replaced by material kit package which have limited further elaboration of course designs. 3. Third, as what mentioned above, most of the teachers rely on material kit package and do not really prepare the courses wholeheartedly. This leads to the same curriculum activities every year and also the indifference of teachers towards the atmosphere of art activities. 4. As conclusion, most of the visual art courses in elementary schools are conducted by the class tutors instead of professional art teachers who graduated with bachelor degrees. That leads to the declining of performances in courses preparation, courses designs, and the innovation of tools. As the result of these, the same curriculum contents limit the students from developing their creativity. All of these make the art education in elementary schools becomes impracticable. Key words:art education, visual art course, material kit package藝術教育視覺藝術課程材料包art educationvisual art coursematerial kit package國小級任教師以材料包進行視覺藝術教學之個案研究The Research of elementary school teachers proceeding visual art education by material kit package