國立臺灣師範大學科學教育研究所張俊彥李忠謀陳柏琳曾元顯楊芳瑩陳伶志2014-12-022014-12-022012-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/42733本卓越數位學習科學研究中心展延計畫將貫徹前期計畫目標:建立兼具適性化與 高互動性的整合型(運用影像處理、語音處理、視訊處理、語音辨識、自然語言 處理、文字探勘、資訊檢索、資料探勘、機器學習等技術)智慧教室。本展延計 畫將運用並增進前期計畫所開發的新興科技,設置Smart Lab (智慧教室的原 型),並在Smart Lab 中進行整合性的科學教育研究,以使創新智慧教室更臻完 善。為達成上述目標,本計畫將致力於整合科學教育、認知科學、資訊科學、資 訊工程等多元領域專家,建構下列三個密切關聯的研究取向:(1)發展與調整智 慧化的學習環境科技;(2)評估學生在智慧教室中科學學習成效之認知與情意的 改變;(3)探測學生在智慧教室中的注意力集中與分散情形。本計畫將整合上述 研究方向,在Smart Lab 中進行實際的教學活動以(1)調查學生對於智慧教室的偏 好與實際感受;(2)評估教師的教學方式、學生的學習策略、社會人際互動在智 慧教室中的改變;以及(3)探測學生對於學習環境偏好與實際感受之間的差距如 何影響科學學習成效,包括學生的地球科學/資訊科學專業領域知識、高層次思 考能力、動機與態度等。研究結果將提供教育科技發展者、科學教育研究者、教 育實踐者具體的方針,以增進新興科技融入課室環境的適切性,並提升學生在此 環境中的科學學習成效。The Center for excellence in e-Learning Sciences (CeeLS) extended project: A full-fledged science education study is the continuation of the CeeLS: i4 future learning environment project. Carrying the same objective as the original CeeLS project, the CeeLS extended project anticipates to set up a Smart Lab, a prototype of the Future Innovative Science Learning Environment (FISLE), which comprises of the already developed smart classroom technologies. The smart lab will integrate modern technologies (image processing, speech processing, automatic video processing, speech recognition, text mining, information retrieval, natural language processing, data mining, machine learning, etc) with the aims to create an intelligent classroom embedded with individualized and interactive learning materials. To realize the aforementioned goals, the CeeLS extended project endeavors to bring together a group of experts in the area of science education, cognitive science, computer science, and computer engineering and proposes three closely interrelated research directions: (1) development of smart classroom technologies, (2) educational research in examining students’ cognitive and affective learning outcomes in the FISLE environment, and (3) cognitive research in exploring students’ attention distribution in the FISLE environment. In particular, the CeeLS extended project will tie the aforementioned research directions together to (1) investigate students’ preferences and perceptions towards both the technology-oriented and traditional-oriented features of FISLE, (2) explore how technology-oriented and traditional-oriented components of FISLE may influence teachers’ pedagogies, students’ learning strategies, as well as social-psychological interactions, and (3) determine how students’ preferred-actual learning environment spaces may impact on their science learning achievements and attitudes. The obtained results can then be used to inform computer engineers, researchers, and school practitioners to better integrate technologies in classroom learning environments and facilitate student learning as a whole.智慧教室學習環境學習偏好學習成效學習態度smart classroom technologylearning environmentlearning preference卓越數位學習科學研究中心II:全方位的科學教育研究(單一整合型計畫)-卓越數位學習科學研究中心II:全方位的科學教育研究( I )