潘靖英翁嵐瑜石美齡2014-10-272014-10-272004-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/12847本研究採用問卷調查方式,針對花蓮縣的國小英語教學實施現況進行普盔,就師資來源、教材選用、學童英語學習經驗、圈中英語教師對國小畢業生英文能力的認知、圈中小學英語課程銜接問題等進行了解,並提供可能的解決建議。結果發現花蓮縣直至九十一學年度才全面實施國小英語教學,全早在約有80% 的學校是由國小一至六年級全面實施英語教學:合格的英語師資嚴重不足且流動頻繁,造成英語教學成效不彰;教材選用多元廣泛,學生能力參差不齊,導致國中小學英語教學銜接困難。This study uses a survey to investigate primary school English education in Hualien. The aims of this study are to examine the current sÏtuations of (1) primary school English teachers; (2) the selection of English materials; (3) students' experience in English leaming; and (4) the views of junior high school English teachers on their first-year students' English proficiency levels, and identify the problems of English curriculum continuity between primary schools and junior high schools. The findings of the study show that all primary schools have taught English since 2002 and that atpresent 80% have incorporated English into the curriculums for all the six grades. However, a serious insufficiency of qualified English teachers and frequent changes of teachers have limited the effects of English instruction. The use of various learning materials for students' varying English proficiency levels and in different schools has resulted in a gap in the English curriculum between primary schools and junior high schools in Hualien.國小英語教學英語課程銜接Primary school English educationEnglish curriculum continuity花蓮縣國小英語教學現況之調查研究Investigation of Primary School English Education in Hualien