程玉秀葉錫南Cheng, Yuh-ShowYeh, Hsi-Nan吳怡瑄Wu, Yi-Hsuan2022-06-079999-12-312022-06-072021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/e63e052f84d142cf8db4e30015a45906/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116295本研究旨在探討一位國中英語資優教師的教學信念、教學實務及影響前兩者關係的潛在因素。本研究以台北某一公立國中英語資優教師為主要研究對象,進 行個案研究。透過訪談與課室觀察等質性之資料收集法進行深入分析,以獲得對 該研究對象之內在信念與教學更全面的瞭解。 研究分析結果如下: 首先,研究發現該英語資優教師所具備之教學信念與其 所受之教學專業背景息息相關。其教學信念特徵也與滿足資優學生學習需求及資 優課程與教學領域之差異化原則相當符合。再者,研究也發現該教師教學信念與 實際教學具有相當程度一致性,確定該英語教師之教學與課程實務深受其教學信 念影響。然而,少部分歧異性仍存在其教學實務中。第三,研究亦顯示該教師在 落實其信念的過程中,不同的外在的情境因素也參與其中,大大地影響著該教師 實際的教學行為,也導致信念與教學行為之間的不和諧關係。 依據研究發現,本研究分別對英語資優教師及師資培育單位提供具體建議。 最後,研究者也提出未來的研究方向,期望激發對該研究領域有興趣的研究者從 事更多相關研究,對英語資優教師教學信念與行為之複雜關係能有更深入的洞悉。This study explored the relationships between a junior high English teacher’s beliefs and classroom practices, and investigated potential factors mediating the belief-practice relationships. The participant of the present case study was a novice practicing English teacher specializing in serving talented language learners in a public school in Taipei. Qualitative data collection methods, including interviews and classroom observations, were employed. Research data garnered were analyzed in depth to obtain a more complete picture of the teacher’s implicit cognition and actual pedagogical actions. Major findings of the research are as follows: Firstly, the beliefs harbored by the participant teacher were closely linked to her professional background and training. The characteristics of her beliefs were also in line with the principles of meeting gifted students’ needs and the differentiation philosophies stressed in the field of gifted education. Secondly, a considerable degree of consistencies between the participant teacher’s beliefs and her actual teaching practices were found, confirming that the curricular and instructional conducts of the participant English teacher were under profound influences of her inner perceptions about educating the bright pupils. However, incongruities were revealed in a few of her teaching incidents too. Thirdly, various external contextual factors were involved in the process of the participant teacher’s beliefs enactment, which not only deeply affected her teaching procedures but also resulted in the belief-practice incongruences. Based on the findings, some specific implications and suggestions were provided for both the English teachers working with the gifted population and teacher education institutes. Recommendations for future studies were also made in the hope of inspiring researchers interested in such research domain to conduct more empirical studies so as to gain further insight into the complexity between specialist English practitioners’ beliefs and teaching behaviors.教師信念教學行為情境因素英語教學差異化課程及教學英語資優教育teacher’s beliefsteaching practicescontextual factorsEnglish teachingdifferentiated curriculum and instructionEnglish Gifted education從教師觀點談資優課程之實施: 台灣國中英語資優教師信念與教學行為關係之個案研究Meeting the Needs through Curriculum Implementation: A Case Study on EFL Teacher’s Beliefs and Practices in Teaching the Verbally Talented