張鳳琴張晏蓉Chang, Fong-ChingChang, Yen-Jung李婉汝Lee, Wan-Ju2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060505007E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87481本研究應用敘事研究法詮釋失智症者日間照顧服務結合音樂輔療之效果,冀作為老人福利機構規劃創新服務之參考。本研究在2018年訪談接受日間照顧服務結合音樂輔療之4名失智症者、3名家庭主要照顧者及3名機構服務提供者。研究發現如下: 一、日間照顧服務結合音樂輔療有助於增進失智症者身心靈健康與增加社會互動的機會。 二、日間照顧服務結合音樂輔療可降低家庭主要照顧者的照顧負荷及回復原本生活模式及品質。 三、失智症者與其家庭照顧者皆建議持續推動失智症者日間照顧服務結合音樂輔療之活動。 建議日間照顧服務中心提供音樂輔療等多元化課程、政府提高失智症與家屬服務支持網絡的可近性。This study used narrative inquiry to explore the experiences of elderly with dementia who received day care service in conjunction with music therapy to provide insights on the development of innovative services in senior welfare institutions. This study consisted of interviews with 4 elderly with dementia who received day care service with music therapy, 3 family members of elderly with dementia, and 3 staff members who worked in the day care institution in 2018. The study results were as follows. 1. The combination of music therapy with day care service showed positive effects on improving physical, mental and spiritual health and increasing social interaction of elderly with dementia. 2. The combination of music therapy with day care service also showed positive influence on reducing the burden of care and improving the quality of life for family members who looked after elderly with dementia. 3. Elderly with dementia and their family members all suggested providing day care service in conjunction with music therapy continuously. It was recommended that day care institutions provide variety of services such as music therapy and the authorities keep support and service network more accessible for people with dementia and their family members.失智症者日間照顧音樂輔療dementiaday caremusic therapy失智症者日間照顧服務結合音樂輔療效果之研究_以台北市某老人安養護中心為例Effects of day care service and music therapy for elderly with dementia in a long-term care institution