柯皓仁Ke, Hao-Ren范家瑞Fan, Jia-Ruei2023-12-082023-08-132023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/6f328aa263320009122bc80604dc7b51/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119392聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)為近年全球努力推動實踐的目標,SDGs追求社會包容、經濟成長與環境保護這三大面向的平衡發展。國際圖書館協會聯盟(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, IFLA)強調資訊取用有助於實踐SDGs。公共圖書館作為提供資訊服務及傳遞知識的機構,對於實現SDGs有重要貢獻。自聯合國永續發展目標通過後,各國圖書館紛紛推動許多SDGs相關的圖書館服務及活動,關於圖書館如何實踐SDGs的研究亦不在少數,然而綜觀許多研究發現,目前關於圖書館與SDGs的文獻大多以分享實踐案例方式為主,或是以探討圖書館員對SDGs認知及素養文獻較多,較少研究公共圖書館實踐SDGs對使用者的成效,臺灣圖書館界也鮮少對於聯合國永續發展的討論。故本研究以我國公共圖書館使用者為對象,探討公共圖書館提供SDGs相關服務與活動對使用者主觀認知及感受之影響,以瞭解我國公共圖書館對SDGs的貢獻。本研究採用問卷調查法,以網路與紙本問卷發放並回收500有效問卷,發放時間自2023年5月20日至2023年7月4日。本研究依據問卷資料之分析結果,提出五項研究結論:(一)我國公共圖書館提供全面、多樣之SDGs相關服務與活動,而使用者多參與或知曉社會與環境面向之服務與活動。(二)環境保護面向為使用者感受到最大效益之面向。(三)公共圖書館使用頻率對於社會包容面向成效具正向顯著相關。(四)我國公共圖書館使用者對SDGs的認知程度為普通,並與三大面向成效無顯著相關。(五)使用者在社會、經濟、環境面向成效互具有正向顯著相關。我國公共圖書館提供現有之服務與活動,本身與SDGs息息相關,本研究透過使用者為對象瞭解公共圖書館的服務與活動為使用者帶來之效益,並顯示我國公共圖書館在實踐SDGs上的貢獻程度。本研究提出建議如下:(一)圖書館辦理各項活動時指明符合的SDG目標,或舉辦以SDGs為主題之活動,增加使用者對SDGs的瞭解。(二)加強推廣及宣傳經濟成長面向相關服務與活動,讓使用者知曉圖書館亦有提供此類服務,鼓勵使用者多多參與。The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the global objectives that have been actively pursued in recent years. The SDGs aim for a balanced development across three dimensions: social inclusion, economic growth, and environmental protection. IFLA emphasizes that access to information contributes to the achievement of the SDGs. Public libraries, as institutions that provide information services and disseminate knowledge, play a significant role in realizing the SDGs.Since the adoption of the SDGs, libraries in various countries have been actively promoting numerous library services and activities related to the SDGs. There have also been numerous studies on how libraries practice the SDGs. However, upon reviewing many of these studies, it is evident that the literature concerning libraries and the SDGs predominantly focuses on sharing practical case examples, or delves into the awareness and literacy of librarians regarding the SDGs. There is a scarcity of research investigating the effects of public libraries' SDGs practices on users' outcomes, and the discussion on SDGs within the Taiwanese library community is also limited. Therefore, this study focuses on users of public libraries in Taiwan to explore the impact of public libraries' provision of SDGs-related services and activities on users' subjective perceptions and experiences. The aim is to gain an understanding of the contribution of public libraries to the SDGs. This study employed a questionnaire survey method, distributing 500 valid questionnaires through both online and paper formats, with distribution taking place from May 20th, to July 4th, 2023. Based on the analysis of the questionnaire data, the study presents five research conclusions: (1) Public libraries in our country offer comprehensive and diverse SDGs-related services and activities, with users largely participating in or being aware of services and activities related to social and environmental aspects. (2) Environmental protection is the most beneficial aspect perceived by users. (3) The frequency of use of public libraries is positively and significantly correlated with the effectiveness of social inclusion. (4) The level of users' awareness of SDGs in our country is average and is not significantly correlated with the three major aspects of effectiveness. (5) Users' perceptions of effectiveness in the social, economic, and environmental aspects are positively and significantly correlated. The existing services and activities provided by public libraries in our country are closely related to SDGs. This study, focusing on users, aims to understand the benefits brought to users by the services and activities of public libraries, highlighting the contribution of public libraries in our country to the practice of SDGs.The following recommendations are proposed in this study: (1) Libraries should specify the relevant SDG goals when conducting various activities or organize events with SDGs as the main theme, enhancing users' understanding of SDGs. (2) Strengthen the promotion and dissemination of services and activities related to economic growth, making users aware that libraries also provide such services and encouraging their active participation.公共圖書館聯合國永續發展目標使用者成效聯合國永續發展目標認知public librariesSustainable Development Goalsuser outcomesSDGs awareness探索我國公共圖書館在實踐聯合國永續發展目標上對使用者的成效A Study on the User Outcomes of Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals in Taiwanese Public Librariesetd