劉美慧Liu, Mei-Hui蘇苑瑜Su, Yuan-Yu2022-06-082024-08-192022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/a562e0b2f84f59214df2b95106c84dbf/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118141108課綱高中公民與社會科學習內容以疑問句形式呈現,教科書編者須自行組合學習內容及學習表現編寫,希望引導跨學門、探究學習,成就素養導向的課程與教學。而108課綱理念是否落實,教科書為重要關鍵。本研究旨在探討高中公民與社會科教科書素養導向設計之情況,以及教科書編者發展素養導向教科書的歷程。本研究採用二階段研究設計,第一階段為教科書內容分析,針對高中公民科四版本教科書進行學習內容架構、學習表現引導方式、素養導向教學設計三面向之分析,瞭解教科書素養導向設計之情況;第二階段為教科書編者深入訪談,透過訪談17位教科書編者,包含主編、編輯、作者,探究素養導向教科書發展的歷程。最後綜合兩階段所得之資料,分析並討論教科書發展歷程中的素養設計爭議及相關問題。本研究的主要發現如下:一、高中公民與社會科教科書素養導向設計之情況(一)課次架構以項目為基礎組合相關條目編寫,教科書呈現更多元的面貌(二)跨學門設計以冊內跨學門為主,少有課內跨學門整合論述(三)教科書多直接呈現而非引導學習表現,學習表現設計集中理解及思辨面、較少活用性設計,主題探究有較多整合性及策略性設計(四)題文脈絡性依活動類型而有差異,活動提問設計層次各版本存有差異,部分提問與題文情境連結性不高(五)文本設計增加情境案例及提問,著重文前預習性提問及文末省思性提問,較少文中理解與探究性提問二、高中公民與社會科教科書編者發展素養導向教科書之歷程(一)學習內容條目開放性及大考不確定性,編者傾向擴充解釋條目、著重易評量及理解思辨面學習表現的素養設計(二)課綱倉促實施,各界未充分溝通,編審對課綱學習內容範圍及教材編選原則的理解存有落差,再加上時間壓縮,編者認為柔性課綱失去彈性(三)教科書市場使用與教科書素養設計存在矛盾,以教師教學考量為出發點的教科書設計,難促成學生中心之素養導向教學1.考量教師教學習慣,教科書設計傾向社會科學分論編寫,少課內跨學門整合論述2.考量教學時間及方便教師教學,教科書編寫多回答條目問題而非引導探究條目問題,探究活動未能循序漸進引導探究3.由教師中心演繹式編寫轉向學生中心歸納式編寫的情境脈絡化設計,知識定義難結合情境編寫,教科書篇幅增加且知識概念不明本研究最後提供素養導向教科書發展及設計相關建議與省思,供未來教科書發展及設計實務,以及後續研究之參考。This study aims to explore the competence-oriented design of high school Civics and Society textbooks, and the process of textbook editors developing competence-oriented textbooks. This study adopted a two-stage research design. In the first stage, the researcher analyzed four versions of high school civics and society textbooks. The analysis was divided into three dimensions: learning content structure, the guidance on student performance, and the design of competence-oriented teaching. In the second stage, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 textbook editors to explore their textbook development process. The data obtained in the two stages were then integrated and analyzed, and the results were used to discuss the disputes over competence-oriented design and other related issues in the development process of the textbook. The main findings of this study are as follows:1. The competence-oriented design of textbooks : (1)Most lessons are written based on the learning content items, and shows the diversity of textbooks. (2) The lessons are mainly organized in a single discipline, and there is less interdisciplinary teaching design within one lesson. (3) Most textbooks directly present learning performance instead of guiding students to demonstrate learning performance. Most learning activities focus on guiding students to demonstrate their understanding and speculative performances, lacking design in integrating cognition, skills and affection. There are more integrated and strategic designs in inquiry activities. (4) The context of the text varies in different types of learning activities. There are differences in the design of questions for learning activities in textbooks, and some questions are not closely connected to the context of the text. (5) The text design includes more contextual cases and questions, focusing on preparatory questions before the text and reflective questions at the end of the text, with less comprehension and exploratory questions in the text.2. The development process of the competence-oriented textbook from the perspectives of textbook editors:(1) Due to the openness of learning content in curriculum guidelines and the uncertainty of entrance examination s, editors tend to expand the scope of learning content, and to emphasize the design of easy evaluation and the performance of comprehensive and speculative learning.(2) Since the Curriculum Guidelines has been implemented in a hurry and lacks sufficient communication, there is a huge difference between editors and the review committee in the understanding of the scope of learning content and principles of textbook compilation and selection. The Curriculum Guidelines loses its flexibility under time constraints.(3) There is a contradiction between the use of textbooks and the design of textbooks. It is difficult to achieve student-centered teaching and competence-oriented teaching with textbook design based on teacher's teaching habits.高中公民與社會科素養導向教科書設計探究設計教科書發展Civics and SocietyCompetence-oriented textbook designInquiry designTextbook development高中公民與社會科素養導向的教科書發展與設計—教科書內容分析與編者觀點探究The Development and Design of Competence-orientedTextbooks for Civics and Society in High Schools—Content Analysis of Textbooks and Perspectives from Textbook Editors學術論文