葉耀明Yao-Ming Yeh林雲龍Yun-Lung Lin2019-08-292012-6-182019-08-292009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0891080037%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93113文字輸入是電腦近用不可或缺的技能,傳統系統設計較少考量到個案的多樣性,致使身心障礙者無法正常使用該系統,而通用設計(universal design)的理念,增加系統的彈性,冀能讓所設計的產品,廣泛的被所有的人使用,然目前的輔助科技系統,雖有融入通用設計的概念,但僅強調初始介入的可用性,針對身心障礙者的輔助系統設計,本論文提出動態多樣性設計的概念,在系統設計應考量到使用者生理的動態變化需求,例如有些個案因為老化或功能衰退,系統應能因應其變化而調整,不必再讓個案放棄即有的系統,再探索與適應另一套新的系統,然而有些使用者可能因為練習而精熟該系統或是因為復健而得到比較好的控制能力,系統應能提供診斷工具與適性調整的功能,以增進其使用效率。 本研究旨在以使用者動態適性調整的理念,設計一套中英文螢幕鍵盤,我們提出了許多策略來增進系統的效能與彈性,並以正常人先進行系統之可用性分析,利用單一受試重複測量的實驗方式,進行動態多元化螢幕鍵盤與作業系統提供的螢幕鍵盤之效能比較,以學習曲線來分析數字編碼輸入模式的效率,利用電腦模擬與受試者的重複測量實驗設計,探討掃瞄輸入模式與點選輸入模式的效率,以作為系統修正與介入實驗之參考。 本研究更進一步針對重度肢體障礙者,進行相關應用之實徵研究,採用適性評估與單一受試之交替處理實驗設計,針對腦性麻痺、成骨不全症及肌肉萎縮症等三種不同類型之個案,進行介入實驗,研究結果顯示動態多元化螢幕鍵盤的可用性與效率,針對本研究,我們提出未來系統設計、教學研究與應用之相關建議。Text entry is a prerequisite skill in human-computer interaction. For person with motor disabilities, previous studies indicated that the search for proper and effective access solution still remains a formidable challenge. Motivated by the philosophy of designing for dynamic diversity, the purpose of this study was to develop an innovative on-screen keyboard that attended to the needs of dynamic client diversity and to explore the effectiveness of the text entry system in helping persons with severe motor disabilities. Users could use D3 on-screen keyboard with suitable input devices, selection methods, layout arrangements, and layout sizes when his/her ability of motor control changed. Four persons with severe motor disabilities, who had a history of experiencing difficulties in text entry task, participated in this study. A single subject alternative treatment design was used. The independent variables were two text entry methods, including the specific selection methods of D3 on-screen keyboard and the participants’ familiarity text entry methods. The dependent variable was the performance of text entry task that included accuracy and speed. The result demonstrated the effect of D3 on-screen keyboard on learning text entry for all participants. All the participants could enter English characters with high accuracy at the first trial. The results of the character per minute (CPM) indicated that their performance exceeded that of the familiarity text entry methods within a few trials. Quantitative data showed that visual cueing was a useful technique to help the participants learn coded selection method with increased performance. The limitations of this study include the small sample size and the participants were evaluated in English characters only. Recommendations for future work are to replicate of this study on subjects diagnosed with other types of disabilities, to investigate the performance of using the proposed text entry system with other specific devices and training strategies, to develop a text entry training program and explore the effect of text entry more functionally.動態多元化設計通用設計輔助科技視覺提示編碼輸入designing for dynamic diversityuniversal designassistive technologyvisual promptingcoded selection method動態多元化螢幕協助鍵盤設計D3 On-screen Keyboard: Designing for Dynamic Diversity