王力億Wang, Li-Yi蕭慧鈞Hsiao, Hui-Chun2023-12-082022-07-202023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/0f21ce8db958e8ace94418bd5ba3ec11/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119435隨著雙語教育的全面開展,學科教師如何跟上教育改革浪潮,為學生開創更有意義之學習,成為教學現場重要挑戰。在過往研究中發現,共同備課歷程能幫助教師進行課程專業對話,帶動課程發展與教師專業成長。面對雙語教育,共同備課是否依然能夠成為教師們的得力工具,成為本研究重要待答問題。因此,本研究旨在釐清學科教師面對雙語課程共備歷程之理解與態度,探究在歷程中學科教師所面臨之挑戰與因應策略,並探討此歷程對教師專業知能成長之影響。本研究採質性研究之個案研究法,以三名不同學科之國中教師為研究對象,進行每位教師各兩次之雙語課程共備歷程。質性研究工具包括非正式訪談、半結構訪談、共備紀錄表及觀課紀錄表,以三角檢驗及主題分析法分析。研究結果顯示,學科教師對雙語共備歷程持正向理解與態度,認為雙語共備歷程能促發課程設計知能成長,並帶來英語專業支持,並因其能回應與滿足課程需求而有意義。學科教師在此歷程中易遭遇雙語課程不易設計、英語語言融入門檻高及共備合作默契不易建立之挑戰,因應之道為回歸學科本質,設計具情境脈絡之雙語課程以增進學習者理解,藉此找出英語使用與學科學習內容之最佳平衡,此為雙語課程共備關鍵;同時,藉由共同備課幫助學科教師克服英語使用門檻,並建立具良好溝通的共備機制以增進合作默契。本研究亦發現雙語共備歷程能為學科教師帶來的專業成長包括增進課程設計知能、增進語言使用精準性及體認雙語課程價值與意義,認為雙語課程價值與意義在於回歸學科本質,找出英語促發學習理解的關鍵功能。研究者最後根據研究結果對學科教師、學校主管單位及未來研究提出相關建議。With the comprehensive development of bilingual education, how to create meaningful learning for students has become a major challenge to schools in Taiwan. It was found in past research that the collaborative lesson preparation could help teachers establish a platform for discussion, promote course development and trigger teachers' professional growth. Therefore, whether the collaborative lesson preparation of bilingual courses would also help teachers prepare for bilingual courses became of great importance. The research thus aimed to clarify the understanding and attitude of subject teachers toward the collaborative lesson preparation of bilingual courses, to analyze the challenges and the corresponding coping strategies, and to explore its impact on teachers' professional growth. This research adopted the case study method of qualitative research, taking three middle school teachers of different subjects as the research object as they each carried out the collaborative bilingual lessons twice. Qualitative research tools used in the research included informal interviews, semi-structured interviews, collaborative lesson preparation record sheets and lesson observation record sheets analyzed by triangulation and thematic analysis. The research results show that subject teachers supported the collaborative lesson preparation of bilingual courses, believing that although it required extra efforts, it also improved course design and brought English professional support to subject teachers. As for challenges, subject teachers found it hard to design bilingual lessons or activities, to set up English learning objectives or to speak English in class, and to build up a bond for cooperation for subject teachers. The found coping strategies included weighing the main learning objectives in the original subject and trying to make good use of English to obtain the goals which is also the key of the lesson preparation, using auxiliary mechanism to reduce the heavy load of English use, cooperating with English teachers in the community to help overcome the challenge of using English in class, and establishing a platform for discussion in which mutual respect was shown. This study also found that the collaborative lesson preparation of bilingual courses could bring professional growth to subject teachers, including better course design, language accuracy and helping subject teachers find the meanings and values in bilingual education. The researcher thus provides suggestions for subject teachers, school administrators and future studies.雙語課程共同備課課程設計與發展教師專業成長Bilingual coursesCollaborative lesson preparationCourse design and developmentTeachers' professional development學科教師雙語課程共同備課歷程之個案研究The Collaborative Lesson Preparation of Bilingual Courses for Subject Teachers: A Case Studyreport_pro