曾琦芬Christine Chifen Tseng2019-08-122019-08-122016-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81337語文資賦優異的學生其語言發展早熟,擁有豐富的想像力和創意,對生命敏銳度高,且喜歡接受挑戰;為幫助語文資優學生發揮潛能,並使其在優於同儕的領域發光發熱,教育單位應確實為這些學生設計有別於一般課程的區分性課程。本文綜合教育理論並考量臺灣特有的社會與文化環境,統整詳盡的文獻探討,包括:資優教育、語文資優學生的特質、釐清「天賦」與「才能」和「資優」與「績優」,描繪語文資優高級中學英文課程設計的原則,同時提出資優教育的十大目標、五項學生核心能力、以及五個區分性英文課程必備的課程要素。此外,本文也列出各項課室活動供教師參考之用,期能充實語文資優的英文課程並使之多樣化,進而提升區分性英文課程的效能,達到資優教育的目的。Verbally gifted and talented learners are students who demonstrate precocity in linguistic development, rich imagination and creativity, acute sensitivity to life and a positive attitude toward challenge. To help verbally talented students fully develop their potentials and thrive in the fields where they outshine their normal counterparts, educators need to design differentiated curriculums which are different from the normal curriculums appealed to the general students. Based on educational theories and consideration of the specific social and cultural milieu of Taiwan, this article, by providing a thorough review of literature about gifted education, traits of verbally talented learners and clarification of the notions of gift and talent, delineates principles for designing differentiated English curriculums for verbally talented students at highschool level. Meanwhile, ten educational goals, five core abilities of students, and five course elements are enumerated to serve as guidelines for teachers in designing an appropriate a differentiated English curriculum for their students. Various activities are also suggested for teachers to apply in their class to help consolidate and make versatile the English class so as to enhance efficacy of the differentiated curriculum and reach the goals of gifted education.語文資優區分性課程資優教育高中英文課程verbally talenteddifferentiated curriculumgifted educationhigh school English curriculum語文資優之高中英文課程設計English Curriculum Design for Verbally Talented Students in Senior High School