廖遠光Dr.Yuen—Kuang Liao潘清輝2019-08-282012-02-222019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0593002117%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89850本研究主要目的在探討教師自願退休之原因、退休的生活態度與適應情形、退休生涯規劃內容及退休生涯規劃的實踐與轉變等。希望本研究的課題有助於本市臨退教師或者是已退教師,在退休生涯規劃、退休生活實踐、退休生活態度等問題,都能有參考的價值。 本論文以質性研究訪談方式進行,最後將訪談內容按照研究問題分類,屬於相同的問題,就歸納在一起。研究者除了就訪談內容分析外,並輔以觀察及文件檢核訪談資料的信實度,也加入研究者的主觀意見,研究結果不擬做推論。本研究,團體訪談對象是兩組國小退休教師,一組為國中退休教師;個別訪談的對象則是以四個國中退休教師為主。 研究結果: 壹、教師退休因素 一、個人因素包含:屆可退休年齡、重新經營人生下半場、無法負荷教學壓力、健康亮紅燈及同儕激勵等。 二、家庭因素包含:配偶期望、照顧家庭。 三、制度及環境變遷因素包含:優質的月退制度、變遷的退休制度和五五專案具有吸引力。 四、環境變遷因素包含:實施新課程、家長干擾學校經營,教師管教權旁落、尊師觀念逐漸淡薄。 貳、教師面對退休的生活態度包含:正向而且期待活得有尊嚴和有價值、能甘於過平淡的生活。 叁、生涯規劃包含:健康、照顧家庭、知性學習、擔任志工及參與退休團體等類。執行上的轉變有:變成會處理家務、經營成長團體、宗教信仰、從事農耕等項。 建議事項: 壹、善用人力資源:各機關學校讓退休教師豐富的教學經驗風華再現。 貳、常保身體健康:清淡的飲食、新鮮的空氣、乾淨的飲水加上適當的運動,以便活化身體機能。 叁、找回生命新價值 教師退休後重新以家庭為生活重心,過去在職時,會以學生為要,現在脫離職場,重新開始為家人料理三餐,挑起家庭責任,而且愛心廣披到宗教朋友,以在職時輔導專長,協助年輕人看重自己,幫忙他們離苦得樂。The purpose of this research was to investigate the reasons of teachers’ voluntarily retirement, their planning for retirement life and how do they adapt retirement life style. The research followed the case study procedures. The participants of this study were two teams of retired elementaryschool teachers,and one team of junior high school teachers. The results of this study are as following: 1. The reasons of teacher’s voluntarily retirement a. Personal reasons: Nearly reaching retirement age, fresh start for second half life planning, can’t take any pressures from teaching, health issue,and peers encouragement. b. Family reasons: Expectation from their spouse, taking care of family. C. Reasons from the system and environment changing: Goodquality of the monthly retirement system, the changing of the retirement system and the tempting 55 project system. d. Environmental reasons: Practice new course, parents interfering the school’s operation, teaching right had been decreased and the concept of respecting teacher is fading as well. 2. Teachers attitudes toward retirement life: Positive and looking forward to living in a simple and more valuable life with dignity. 3. Retirement life planning: Health, family care, enriches knowledge by studying, attending volunteers, taking part in retirement group.The changing on execution: dealing with family affair, operating growth group, religion faith and griculture. 4.The true voice of retirement: Finding life’s new value. Retired teachers often focus their life on family comparing to their teaching life when they mainly focus on their students. Now after they left their career field, they begin to cook for the family, assisting the young how to value themselves and spreading their love to religious friends. They used their talent as guiding from work and start to guide others, helping them to embrace happiness.自願退休生涯規劃國民中小學教師voluntarily retirementLife planningelementary and junior high school teachers臺北市國民中小學教師自願退休原因 及其退休後生涯規劃之研究The Research of Taipei Municipal Elementary and Junior High School Teachers' cause to voluntarily retirement and their retirement planning