黃俊堯胡惠君Hu, Hui-Chun2022-06-082022-01-222022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/0c77c3b68d39b30b5957ac5c38c352de/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116711FACEBOOK 自 2016 年開始大幅調整演算法,致使原生電商品牌獲取流量與新客戶成本越來越昂貴,然而電商營收公式=流量X轉換率X客單價,流量是電商獲利核心源之一,為維持營收持續成長,電商品牌不得被綁架投注更多預算維持流量,當流量紅利神話結束,電商品牌須重新思考其獲利公式找到優化營運各種可能因素,否則只能隨著數位社群媒體不斷改變演算法,坐以待斃看著行銷廣告成本逐年攀升,線上線下品牌競爭日趨白熱,循環性以價格戰獲取顧客成交機會,不僅品牌獲利結構受損,也影響品牌形象訴求。 以本研究個案 E 品牌男性襯衫為例,其商品區隔有明顯獨特性,雖維持穩定性回購,但受限單一核心商品商務襯衫,加上男性購買服飾頻次未如女性頻繁與衝動性購買,在流量與新客獲取成本越來越高情況下,如何活化會員經營提高購買頻次、客單價與降低獲取新客成本是 E品牌面臨經營困境,所以本研究案將針對會員經營與品牌經營策略 2 大構面,以個案研究訪談及會員滿意度問券調查研究方式,找出個案品牌經營新契機與會員經營策略之擬定。FACEBOOK has substantially adjusted its algorithm since 2016, making it more and more expensive for original e-commerce brands to acquire traffic and new customers. The e-commerce revenue formula = traffic x conversion rate x customer unit price, traffic is the core source of e-commerce profit. In order to maintain revenue growth, digital brands are forced to invest more marketing budgets on digital advertisement. When the traffic is no longer to drive website traffic, most of e-commerce brands are re-thinking how to change profit formulas and find other business opportunities to drive operations better in limited budget, otherwise they would be watching the cost of marketing advertising increase year by year from digital advertising continually changing the algorithm. With online and offline competition fiercely, digital brands could damage brand profit, also the brand image appeal if they cyclically use price war to obtain customer transaction. Take the case of this research E brand as an example. The product segmentation is obviously unique so it can have few loyal customers stable repurchase, however, it only sells and focus on men business shirts, additionally, men’s purchasing of clothing are not as much as women’s frequent and impulsive purchases so brand owner has difficulty in breaking through the business growth. The difficulty factors E brand owner faces are how to increase website traffic and customers transaction when digital advertising are more and more expensive, also include activate member purchase frequency、average ticket and reduce the cost of acquiring new customers. This research case will focus on 2 major dimensions, member management and brand community operations, using case study interviews and member satisfaction questionnaire survey research methods to find E brand new opportunities and the formulation of member management strategies.電商品牌會員經營品牌策略SOSTAC行銷品牌定位品牌聯名男性服飾社群經營E-commerce brandBrand membership managementSOSTAC marketingMen ApparelCo-branding電商品牌會員經營與品牌策略之探討-以男性服飾E品牌為例E-commerce Brand Membership and Strategy Management-The Case Study of Men T-shirt Brand學術論文