董澤平吳彥濬Dong, Tse-PingWu, Yen-Chun林庭緯Lin, Ting-Wei2022-06-082026-10-192022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/9a2a046889218a80d141dbd1012e169b/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118596遊戲,一直在人類生活中扮演不可或缺的角色;任天堂使用幾個遊戲化準則來建構一般人對遊戲的直覺使用。場景來到一般商業環境,舉凡理財、管理、會計,經營一間公司或是開創自己的理財人生道路都不是一件容易的事,需要考慮的事情很多。因此,本篇論文計畫用一般對遊戲設計的幾個環節來設計一套商業遊戲。此外,遊戲的發展有很多階段,不論是掌上型遊戲機,或是後來掀起革命的家庭式主機,再到後來的智慧型手機。而其中最特別的當屬桌遊,桌遊擁有許多電子化遊戲產品沒有的特色,包括互動性強、情節豐富滿足想像、獨特的遊戲設計方式,在這個數位化的時代,無疑是一股強勁的逆流。本桌遊依據後面會提到的直覺設計、驚奇設定,結合時下流行的桌遊,設計一套商業桌遊。後測針對玩過桌遊的人,設計相關問卷,評估此種模式是否可顛覆一般商業員工教育以及能否讓各種沒有先備商業知識的人獲得舉凡理財或是經營公司的相關知識。遊戲化是本論文的枝幹,商業化的知識是依據其上開枝散葉的結果,期待自己能用這篇論文開創出一些有趣而實用的商業化遊戲概念。Games have always played an indispensable role in human life; Nintendo uses several gamification principles to construct ordinary people's intuitive use of games. The scene comes to the general business environment. Running a company or creating your own financial life path is not an easy task, and there are many things to consider. Therefore, this thesis plans to design a set of commercial games with several aspects of general game design. In addition, the development of games has many stages. This board game is based on the intuitive design and surprising settings mentioned later, combined with popular board games to designa set of commercial board games. The post-test is aimed at people who have played board games and designed relevant questionnaires to evaluate whether this model can subvert the education of ordinary business employees and whether it can allow all kinds of people without prior business knowledge to obtain relevant knowledge about financial management or running a company.Gamification is the backbone of this thesis, and the knowledge of commercialization is based on the results of its development. I hope that I can use this thesis to create some interesting and practical commercial game concepts.遊戲性設計直覺設計驚奇設定桌遊遊戲商業化game designintuitive designsurprise settingboard gamesgame commercialization遊戲性設計對品牌黏著度之研究-以商業教育桌遊為例Study of Gameplay Design Impact on Brand Adhesion-A Case Study of Education Board Games學術論文