郭乃文盧佳琳2019-08-292016-7-242019-08-292014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0599231115%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94233桃園境內埤塘是公認的重要地景。在早期農業社會,埤塘是桃園縣境內重要的灌溉設施,全盛期高達近萬口;隨著臺灣經濟發展,桃園成為工業大縣,隨之而來的都市化,住宅林立,農地減少,埤塘的灌溉功能已漸漸不重要,埤塘面臨存廢的兩難,許多埤塘被填平作為住宅、工商用地。近年來國人觀光風氣興盛,地方政府大力推動埤塘活化計畫,將埤塘改造成生態示範埤塘、休閒公園等用途。 地理學裡的人地傳統一直是地理學家對於地表上各種地理現象的探討的重要觀點之一。本研究調查桃園縣內埤塘的發展現況,並以問卷調查方式蒐集桃園縣境內高中生對於埤塘的環境識覺,更進一步探討其父母對於埤塘的環境識覺,藉由高中生及其父母之間差異來探討高中生之環境識覺養成是否與父母之教養因素有關聯。研究方法採用量化為主配合深度訪談的研究方式,先進行問卷設計並抽樣取得有效問卷390份,再與十名高中學生進行深入訪談調查學生接觸埤塘經驗與感受。問卷調查部分進行描述性統計、T檢定分析、單因子變異數、卡方檢定。 研究結果顯示,桃園縣高中生最早認識埤塘的主要管道為學校教育,主要從國中社會科與高中地理科教師的教學內容知道埤塘的灌溉功能與生態價值,更進一步認同埤塘有存在的必要。調查發現影響高中生的埤塘環境識覺的因素有「居住地有無埤塘」、「接觸埤塘的頻率」、「家長是否從事農業生產」,這些變項皆會影響高中生、其父母對於埤塘的認知。即居住地有埤塘、接觸頻率高、家裡從事農耕的高中生與父母輩對於埤塘相關知識的環境識覺皆較高,對照文獻探討關於環境識覺的論述,環境與人之間的互動會使環境識覺受影響,在此得到應證。 再者,本研究發現桃園縣高中生與其父母對於埤塘的環境識覺中,凝聚出「鄉村埤塘應作保留灌溉與綠化保存,都市埤塘應改造休閒公園」的集體共識,顯示現代居民對綠地空間的需求及環境保育觀念有一定素質,這些被形塑出來的環境識覺進而影響居民期待這些埤塘被規劃成何種用途。本研究結果可提供相關單位規劃埤塘的方向,以達到永續發展目標。The irrigation ponds in Taoyuan are recognized as an important landscape and they affect the resident’s perception of ponds. In the early agricultural society, such irrigation ponds were important resources to provide water resource to agriculture production. However, Taoyuan County has become an industrial city from agricultural society and followed by rapid urbanization. The area of agricultural land is decreasing and the function of irrigation ponds also becomes less important. Hence, a lot of irrigation ponds disappeared and the sites are always planned for urban development. Since the relationship between human and irrigation ponds has changed, the irrigation ponds play new role after urban development such as ecological ponds, nature parks and recreational parks. Hence, the purpose of this research is to investigate the environmental perception of high school students and their parents toward irrigation ponds. The questionnaire survey method was to collect the opinions from high school students and their parents; in addition, in-depth interview was also used to investigate the living experience with irrigation ponds of high school students. Finally, 390 questionnaire samples were collected and 10 students were interviewed in this study. According to the results, it is obviously to find different environmental perception between high school students and their parents, and students’ perception was affected mainly from school education. In addition, many factors affect the environmental perception of high school students toward irrigation ponds such as the experience with irrigation ponds. Finally, most students regard irrigation ponds as important landscape in Taoyuan County; hence, it is important to protect the irrigation ponds.環境識覺地景埤塘高中生問卷調查深度訪談environmental perceptionlandscapeirrigation pondshigh school studentquestionnaire surveyin-depth interview桃園縣埤塘的環境識覺研究-以高中生及其父母為例The Environmental Perception of High School Students and Their Parents toward Irrigation Ponds in Taoyuan County