蕭顯勝Hsien-Sheng Hsiao廖乃瑩Nai-Ying Liao2019-09-032010-08-012019-09-032010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697710428%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96830互動式電子白板具有高互動性、結合多媒體素材及提升教學效率等特性,使用者可以直接操作模擬元件或展示內容,因此近年來逐漸使用於我國國小教學課程中。然而國中階段的學習需要具備更高層次的認知思考,尤其是理化課程中的抽象內容,學生往往無法理解其邏輯概念,也由於時空限制無法進行大量實驗操作。本研究以互動式電子白板融入國中理化科教學,並以傳統講授教學作為對照,進行為期兩個月的觀察實驗,藉此探討學生在不同的教學方法下學習成效的差異,並分析學生在長期使用科技產品時學習動機的變化情形。此外,在教學實驗的過程中將記錄學習者與教師的互動行為歷程,以理解適合互動式電子白板教學的互動情境,作為未來設計與修改課程活動的參考依據。 經教學實驗與統計分析後,可獲得以下結果: 1. 使用互動式電子白板進行教學與傳統講授教學對學習者的學習成效提升狀況沒有顯著差異;然而互動式電子白板教學有助於學習者應用整合抽象概念,對於低成就學習者更具顯著效果。 2. 經使用互動式電子白板進行教學後,學習者的工作價值、自我效能與期望成功等動機分項有顯著提升。 3. 使用互動式電子白板進行教學後學習者的內在目標與工作價值提升狀況顯著優於經傳統講授教學的學習者。 4. 在互動式電子白板教學情境中,教師使用自編互動教材教學與講解課本考卷內容為最常出現的互動行為;隨著教師使用自製教材的比例提高,教師抄寫黑板與朗誦課本的時間比例降低,而學習者間的互動行為也有所增加。The features of interactive whiteboard (IWB) are highly interactive, combining multimedia and improving teaching efficiency. Users can directly manipulate simulation component or display the content on the IWB. Recently, IWBs are common used in elementary schools. However, students need higher cognitive thinking skill in junior high school. Furthermore, students are often unable to understand the abstract concept of science, and unable to operate the experiments because of limitations in time and space. This study applies IWB into science teaching in junior high school during two-month observation. The purposes of the research are to explore the difference of learning effect and learning motivation between different teaching methods. Through the process of experiment, researcher records the interactions between instructors and learners in order to analyze the situation in classroom with IWB. After analyzing the results, we provided the conclusions as follows: 1. Teaching with IWB does not promote the learning effect of the learners in science significantly. However, teaching with IWB can facilitate the understanding of abstract concept, especially for underachievers. 2. The learning motivation of students in task value, self-efficacy for learning, and expectancy for success is higher after learning with IWB than traditional teaching method. 3. The learning motivation of students with IWB in intrinsic goal orientation and task value is higher than students with traditional teaching. 4. The most common interactive behaviors in the IWB classroom areteacher teaching with self-made materials and explaining the content of textbooks. With using more self-made teaching materials, teachers can reduce the time of writing on the blackboard and reciting the textbook, and the interaction between students also increased.互動式電子白板互動學習動機Interactive WhiteboardInteractionLearning Motivation互動式電子白板應用於國中自然科教學對學習動機與成效影響之研究The Study of Influence on Learning Motivation and Science Learning Effect Applying Interactive