印永翔徐美Ying, Yung-HsiangHsu, Mei廖婉儒Liao, Wan-Ju2019-09-032020-01-012019-09-032019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060456007O%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94504本研究探討主管領導風格中交易型及轉換型領導的子構面作為自變項,其中交易型領導包含主動例外管理、被動例外管理及權變報酬三個子構面;轉換型領導包含理想化影響、激勵鼓舞、智力啟發及個別關懷四個子構面,探究各自與工作壓力的關係,並以工作特性的回饋性及自主性為調節變項,觀察員工對其工作特性的認知是否能有調節主管領導風格的作用。 本研究以屬高科技電子產業H公司員工為對象,H公司總公司於美國,台灣分公司為其個人電腦產品供應鏈部門重鎮,員工人數約1200人,以線上問卷調查,回收有效問卷共220份。 研究結果發現,交易型領導中被動例外管理對工作壓力有顯著正向影響,轉換型領導中的智力啟發及個別關懷的構面對工作壓力有顯著的負向影響,顯示主管越鼓勵員工嘗試用不同方式、新想法解決問題,以及適時關懷員工並依照個人的能力給予適合的工作時,能降低員工工作壓力。而在調節作用部分,結果顯示對主管領導風格對員工工作壓力的關係間,並無顯著影響。The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of supervisor’s leadership styles on work stress. In addition, we also examined the moderating effect of job characteristics on the relationship between supervisor’s leadership styles and work stress. In this study, independent variables include transactional leadership style and transformational leadership style. The transactional leadership consists of three sub-dimensions, and the other contains four sub-dimensions to explore the relationship between each dimension and the work stress. Moreover, I chose feedback and autonomy of job characteristics as moderators to examine if it can affect or not. This study surveyed employees of H Company in the high-tech electronics industry, H Company Taiwan Branch is the center of its personal computer product supply chain department. The number of employees is about 1,200. According to the online questionnaire survey, 220 valid questionnaires were collected. The results showed that passive management by exception in transactional leadership style had positive impact on work stress, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration in transformational leadership style had negative impacts onwork stress. In sum, the supervisor encourages employees to try diverse ways or innovative ideas to solve problems, and timely cares employees about their work and non-work things can reduce the pressure on employees. Moreover, there aren’t any significant effect on leadership styles and work stress for feedback and autonomy of job characteristics as moderators.交易型領導轉換型領導工作壓力工作特性自主性回饋性transactional leadershiptransformational leadershipwork stressjob characteristicsautonomyfeedback領導風格與工作壓力的影響之探討The Investigation on the Effect of Leadership styles on the Work Stress